Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday: Roger Simon Visits Victor Hanson, Talks About Taking Our Castor Oil

...AS WELL AS THE STATE OF CONSERVATISM, the 2012 election and why candidates flip-flop. It's a terrific intereview, so watch the whole thing. Hanson begins by saying,

Romney is our collective castor oil and we know we have to take our medicine to beat Obama but we don't really want to.


  1. Castor oil is sickening. Mr. Hanson's metaphor is excellent. And sickening.


    I may have to ease back on my suspicion that Mr. Cain is a serial attempted philanderer. Maybe, when I interpreted Cain statements as being inconsistent and evasive: maybe I was misreading Mr. Cain. Those statements were my main reason for suspecting him, insofar as I have never seen credible evidence from his accusers (and, excepting Ms. Bialek, have never seen a specifically detailed allegation). I may have to simply say, as in many allegation situations: "there is no way to get at the truth."

  2. It's okay, Greg. Men can change their minds too. Don't think Cain will be the nominee though but I could certainly be wrong.
