Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cain Should Have Called A Spade A Spade From the Start

PAUL GIGOT @ WSJ WEIGHS INAFTER REVIEWING THE LATEST NEWS today on Cain's defense of the 'baseless' allegations of sexual misconduct years ago, I believe more than ever this is indeed a case of a trumped up non-event used by liberal news outlets to take him out of presidential contention as he soars in the polls. How successful his detractors will be in accomplishing this remains to be seen. I certainly would and will still vote for him at this point.

Having said that, I do not think Cain and his handlers have handled this situation as well as I would have hoped. Bryan Preston writes about it this morning at PJMedia. Though the allegations are extremely flimsy and probably baseless, as Cain contends, the changing explanation as the day went on Monday shows a campaign that's inexperienced at facing the kind of heavy hitting smears and scrutiny the liberal media can dish out in gargantuan quantities. He and his campaign knew ten days ago the story would break at Politico and should have formulated a much better plan than ducking and hoping it would go quietly into the night.He should have gotten his explanation right the first time then stuck to it.

Cain's campaign looks amateurish. Do they think a dog willingly drops a bone before every bit of blood and marrow are sucked out? Does a tick stop it's blood sucking before it's pulled of the it's unwilling host. Of course not. So Cain's biggest mistake is not necessarily happened but the bumbling and slightly apprehensive way he's handled it so far.

In other words, he should have called a spade a spade from the start. This mishap doesn't have to be fatal. It remains to be seen.