Monday, July 4, 2011

On the 4th, Why Not Hike Liberty Cap?

IT'S STEEP, HOT and climbs a nice 1,100', so better start just after the sun rises over the beautiful Grand Junction Valley. While hiking, it might be a good idea to think on the concept of liberty: What it meant to our founding forefathers who were willing to die for it; what it means to us softies today who just want bigger and more. Think about how liberty is lost when personal responsibility is supplanted by government nannism and out-of-control borrowing to support our addiction to that over-sized government boob. The lender is truly the master of the borrower. And our country is teetering on the verge of slavery again.

Will we have to fight Civil War 2 to get rid of this new rendition of slavery? I hope not but am not terribly optimistic. Meanwhile I'm chillin' with friends after that great hike up Liberty Cap.

Gave the right-of-way to the collared lizard with the beautiful aquamarine outfit and golden fascinator!


  1. Hike Liberty Cap? Why did we ever cap it? Liberty should have no cap on it, unlike the national debt, whose cap needs to be lower.


    I see.

    Emily Litelle moment: Nevermiind
