Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sunday, The Most Important Thing A Father Can Know

GOD CREATED HUSBANDS AND FATHERS to be the moral/spiritual leaders and role models of their families and households in a fallen world. To the extent a man, any man, abdicates his role of spiritual leader and defers it to his wife, or to no one, he will most certainly lose respect with of the women and children he purports to love. Sometimes his leading seems like a lonely uphill climb, but keeping his reservoirs filled for moral excellence, godly living and fortitude is far preferable to the alternatives. A man who submits himself to his Maker in front of his family, grows in stature and respect with his children.

Far too many men, for whatever reasons----peace at any price, cultural correctness, busyness and other priorities, feminism---have shrunk from their fundamental role of spiritual leader in their families: leading blessings at meals, leading prayers and Bible readings,setting standards for what is read and watched at home, family and community worship, praying for children and loved ones. When this abdication happens, it's only a matter of time before cracks in family life begin to manifest and things begin to fall apart. Sooner or later there's a disintegration when a father fails to lead spiritually.

Men are not marginalized by women so much as by their own unwillingness to lead morally and spiritually in their families---whatever the costs. Being a financial provider isn't enough. Being a spiritual/moral provider in loving, firm ways covers a multitude of other wrongs and weaknesses. Even when the rest of the family grumbles, being that kind of spiritual leader brings him growing respect---and every man must earn respect---in the eyes of his loved ones, especially his children. Would that more men would step up to the plate, and live there. God designed it that way. This world and its progeny would be much better for it.

Happy Father's Day!

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