Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Roaring 2000s, When Discretion, Dignity, Leaving Some Things to the Imagination Came To Die A Thousand Deaths



IT'S EARLY MORNING IN WESTERN WASHINGTON on the D.C.-Bethesda border. Pre-dawn songbirds sing through my open window as early light slowly rolls into the our nation's capital. Will be a scorcher of a day here--- as well as up and down the East coast---with temperatures soaring into the high 90s. I'm leaving in an hour for Rhinebeck on the Hudson to join family for a visit outside Manhattan. Within a couple of days temperatures should settle back down into a more comfortable mid-70s range.

As I contemplate being with grandchildren soon, my thoughts turn to the sickening news of the past few weeks (and months and years) involving sexual exposures and scandal that have to boggle even the most jaded minds. As Arnold and Lady Gaga lead the way and set the complete lack of moral tone, can John Edwards, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Anthony Weiner--just to name a very few---be far behind? I shudder to think how some of these people will follow up their latest outrageous behaviors with even more. How much air and media time they consume; how they are setting the tragic role-model tone for our impressionable young people. Sadly, it's not just one political party or group; it's on both sides of the aisle.

Rep. Anthony Weiner's press conference yesterday was a low point for our country. Tearfully admitting his guilt on this and other occasions, that he had lied to save his skin wasn't enough. No, no! he followed up his mea culpa with regret (that he'd been caught) and determination that he won't resign from office. What a pathetic show.

We seem to be stuck on stupid and getting more so all the time.

One thing about social media and Twitter is it gives all of us more rope to hang ourselves even faster with poorer and poorer taste. I hope society will give each of these flagrant men---and women---what they deserve sooner rather than later---not to be re-elected, hired and profit off their depravity.

If we think they've injured themselves and families, think what it does to the law-making process here in D.C. I used to think the greatest threats to our national well-being is the threat of terrorism and financial collapse. I've changed my mind. I think moral decay is unwinding our country and moral fiber at warp speed. We should be extremely concerned. We should be extremely protective of our young people and our lives too. Sometimes, often, we need to walk away from the news and take a rest from the depravity that seems to assault us at every turn. God help us all survive another round of sexual profit-taking and indiscretion.

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