Monday, May 23, 2011

Eerie Night In Tennessee

SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS are forecast again tonight as lightning strikes all around. Then deadly calm, and sounds of cicadas and tree frogs.

Neighbor Martha hollered over there's a tornado warning north of Nashville where one has been spotted a little while ago. The recent spate----swarm, as Drudge calls it---of deadly tornadoes in the South and Mid-West has left everyone on pins and needles.

Don't think I'll sleep in my nightgown tonight, in case I/we all have to make a quick get-away. I can never remember a time when there was ever anything quite like this viral outbreak of such deadly proportions. Like a big hurricane year, this is one for the record books. And it's not over yet.


  1. Scary weather, ugh. Hope soon you won't have to worry.

  2. Thanks, Kristen. It has been rough weather and very wet spring.
