Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Did Kate Blow Michelle Out of the Fashion Water In London?

FIRST, IT'S ANOTHER DAY WITHOUT WIFI AT HOME AND IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD though we did wake up with electricity, and for now it's a beautiful day. But more bad weather is on the way. I've run over to 'Whole Paycheck' for a little wireless while Comcast works on our outage problems.

Am tired of posting dramatic photos from Joplin of dark, ominous clouds and think a little fashion might lighten things up a bit, especially since more ominous clouds are on the way.

The headline at The Daily Mail is something to the effect that tanned Duchess Kate blew Michell out of the water in the fashion department.

Is it true?

Off hand I'd say she did. Best part is Kate did it with a British designed dress---Reiss---which she paid under $250 for. Anyone who thinks good looks requires an expensive price tag (or guarantees a beautiful presentation)is living in the land of couture myth. A $5,000 dress does not in any way avert a fashion disaster. Style and taste always trump cost.

I like Kate's dress, but I don't love it. Don't think the nude color is as becoming, though she carries it off with her Seychelles honeymoon tan. The cut and cross design are just enough and not too much going on for her small frame. I like her kitty heel shoes and purse and think the overall effect is lovely.

I agree with Liz Jones that her hair is a bit too long and could use a trim. Long, shiny hair is fabulous, but knowing how long is long enough is a trick every woman needs to learn. The Duchess looks fabulous at her age with her beauty genes, so it would be hard for her to miss. I give Kate an A- to a B+ in the photo above. Like the rest of the world I can identify with her style preferences, especially since
I'm built a lot like her though a good deal shorter.

Now as for Michelle, I'm not wild about her hot pink, over-sized bolero and flouncy bedspread-print dress. Her style on me would make me---and indeed Kate---look like I/we had escaped from a freak show. It would wear me rather than the other way around. Having said that, I don't hate her look either. It's definitely in keeping with Michelle Obama's look. For a woman her stature and size, she carries it off more times than not.

Michelle is more than willing to take a fashion risk whether it works out or not. And sometimes it doesn't. So while I'm not crazy about anything I've seen her in on this trip so far, I'm not repulsed by any of it either. She's a good looking woman who knows who she is and clearly has fun dressing...some would say she has too much fun. But that's another story.

So, yes, Kate rules above. But Michelle's still in the race. I'll be on the look out for something I love on the First Lady during this tour. Surely she has lots more up her sleeve. But hopefully no more over-sized, hot-pink boleros.


  1. Woman to woman, Michelle Obama fails every time she tries the pouffy skirt/cropped jacket or sweater look. This is because she is tall, hippy and short-waisted. She looks like a little girl playing dress-up, and why she feels compelled to do this every time she visits Queen Elizabeth is beyond me. (I recall the black pouffy skirt, pink cropped sweater and ballet flats of their first visit a few years back).

    Michelle does best when she stick with simpler lines that don't chop her off at a waistline that is barely below her bustline.

  2. Great observations, Di. She is very high-waisted...only worse choice worse would be an empire dress!

  3. Michelle Obama can look very striking when she plays to her natural advantages -- chief of which is height, and a basically good, fit shape. Instead she opts for that irritating pouffy look and ends up looking ridiculous. I hate to see any woman work against herself that way -- it's so unnecessary.

  4. Touche!

    All us wimmen-folk need to take your advice to heart working first to know then enhance our assets and downplaying the rest.

  5. You are far, far kinder than I could possibly be about that awful bedspread dress and pink bolero. I think it was very unflattering and when the wind kicked in, she had a difficult time keeping her skirt from blowing up. She looked like a bad 1950's take off.

  6. CA, You're take is always a bit more respectable than mine. Thank you!
