Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Divorce, An App and Natural Help for Depression


GUATEMALA'S FIRST LADY Sandra Torres de Colom wants to succeed her husband as president so much---but can't because a law prohibit family members from running----she's started proceedings to divorce him. Word has it, she'll be legally split in about a month and can go on her merry political way. Wow, it's not just a divorce, it's a quickie. I assume he's in agreement with this scheme though details are sketchy. However, one can only shudder to think what would happen if, say, Michelle Obama or Carla Bruni wanted to follow Ms. Torres de Colom's lead in divorcing their husbands and running for president. Does not seem set a good precedent to set---to put it mildly. Even Hillary didn't try right away as Bill was stepping down though she sure wanted to. The possibilities are scary to say the least.


A CLEAR CASE OF ATTEMPTED MURDER of First Amendment rights for a hellbent political/cultural agenda is unfolding again before our very eyes. It's the gay rights coalition which wants to cram it down everyone's throats that once gay, always gay. Is that clear? No questions allowed.

World without end. Case closed---forever.

Even if you even think you might want to explore leaving your gay lifestyle behind, then you're considered deluded, crazy, hateful, disloyal to the cause by the rainbow coaltion nazis. Anyone offering to assist and support you in your exploration of possibilities, is to be drummed out of business, denied free speech and tattooed and badgered as the dregs of society. These people take any and every diverging opinion personally. It's all about them, all the time. Total narcissism.

So it is with an Apple app that purports to help gays explore and change the direction of their lives and lifestyles as 100,000 People Pressure Apple to Shut Down Gay Cure App.
Really? 100,000 people? Are you convinced yet? In their childish understanding of the First Amendment, he who screams loudest, longest with the most shrill voices---wins. To hell with constitutional principles.

I hope Apple is smart and savvy enough to stand firm and not be bullied into taking this app down. I'm also sure there are hundreds of apps out there I would disagree with, even hate, but know have the right to exist and compete in the marketplace of ideas.

If this childish band of tantrum throwers wins, what's next? Taking down apps for avoiding trans-fats? Alternative cures for cancer? Apps that call couples in heterosexual marriage husband and wife, rather than partner? It would be setting an even worse precedent than divorcing your husband to succeed him as president. Bottom line: This is not a gay rights issue whatever your position. It's a First Amendment issue that's been hijacked and disguised.


NOW THIS SHOULD BE AN APP: The 6 R's For Depression. From routine, rest and repentance, this guide covers suggestions both for the depressed and not-depressed. Just good lifestyle habits that never go out of style and deals on every aspect of depression---mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. Can't see enough of this in a world awash in tranquilizers, anti-depressants and many other kinds of quick-fix/superficial coping mechanisms that rarely work.

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