Monday, March 15, 2010

Valerie Jarrett: Stuff Like This Makes Post-Feminism Look Absurd


If this is women of the world's best idea of leadership---i.e. the continued feminizing and neutering of the manly man in politics, or in anything for that matter----then we're in even worse shape than I think. Valerie Jarrett eats it up in a sippy cup.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this to the front of our poor trans-modern brains and hitting the nail on the head:

It’s moronic exchanges like this one between White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and rambling Indian magazine editor Shoma Chaudhury — who slobbers all over President Obama for his “womanly” leadership — that should make every rational woman cringe.

First, there’s the nauseating gender identity politics pandering.

Second, there’s the snort-worthy detachment from reality (the Chicago thug-in-chief is “bringing the temperature down”?).

Third, there’s the embarrassing non-question question of a “journalist” unabashedly engaging in the obscene ego stroke of a government official.

This is the danger of thinking with your ovaries instead of your brain.

All I can say in response is Amen, Sister. I do cringe. Regular women should cringe, and so should regular men who still have an ounce of testosterone left in them.
So let us all cringe away!


  1. Thank goodness not all women think this way - it's embarrassing. What will they do when he goes through "men" o'pause?

    Maybe he is already there. I'll join you in the cringing.

    My sister likes to say she is good at "finding things with her uterus" in a household of guys who constantly lose things. But "thinking with your ovaries" - that expression is a great metaphor for the complete lack of decisive leadership being exhibited.

  2. I agree we could use more feminine leadership in the WH. Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, and Maggy Thatcher come to mine.
