Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Little G-Girl Arrives As Daffodils Bloom

ONCE THERE WAS A MOM AND DAD WHO WERE CRAZY ABOUT EACH OTHER. And soon they had the cutest little G-boy you ever saw. He's now 16 months and into everything. Today they gave him a little sister, a little G-girl. All are doing well in NYC. Daffodils are blooming. God is gracious and good to loan us this little girl to train up for His purposes. God willing, I'll be there with them soon.


  1. Great news! You're going to busy, happily so, but very busy.

  2. That's wonderful news!

    Congratulations to all and enjoy your visit.

  3. congratulations!!!!!

  4. Thank you, dear friends! All are well in Beth Israel! Pictures to follow tomorrow....

    PS It's been a big day with a new baby girl AND a tango lesson tonight!

  5. Fraydna, please let me know when your little baby comes soon!
