Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday: Lamar Nails It Sunday


I LOVE LAMAR. Have known him----and even done some business with him---since he was governor. Sometimes I've been a bit frustrated with his moderate and left-of-center RINO positions. But in recent months he seems to have come back, especially with all the brouha over HR. Yesteray he nailed it on CNN. Go Lamar, speak up and out for your deep East Tennessee roots and for our battered, abused Constitution.

It's Bob Corker I'm worried now about with all this proposed bank reform and regulation he's gotten involved in. Bob needs to remember, when the federal government starts fiddling with things, it only gets worse. D.C. arrogance and the need to fix everything shouldn't rub off on him.


IF YOU DARE to read about the latest dark influences surrounding the hearts and minds of little girls, then take a look at Chuck Colson's piece today on Planned Parenthood's association with the Girl Scouts. Drumming up business no doubt at an early age and with impressionable minds. Inexcusable.

Read Unhealthy and Unhappy.

H/T Bobbie At TN Eagle Forum


  1. I think I will say something to parents about this the next time they are out with their children selling cookies.

  2. It's beyond the pail, isn't it! I'm glad to know and share this shocking news too, Bob.

  3. Sadly, I have been hearing this type of thing about the Girl Scouts for several years now.

    I was a member of a group associated with the YMCA called Y-teens in the late 1960's and went to a summer event where we teenage girls were given a presentation by SIECUS. The goal was to remove any sense of morality or boundaries from sexual behavior.

    What perfect examples of the human condition without God.

  4. Yes, fraydna, the human condition without God can go pretty low. And it's only gone downhill since the sixties.

    It's a never-ending spiritual battle for parents and grandparents to wage.
