Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saying Goodbye To Commenter 'Ellen'

THE END HAS FINALLY COME. After two years of comments by Ellen, I pulling the plug. The welcome mat has been permanently withdrawn for Ellen and for all anonymous commenters. No anonymous comments are published here. But from here on, all will be deleted unread.

After spelling this out in another post below to Ellen---who has intimidated, harassed and screamed in increasingly rapid-fire, hateful harangues, most of which mercifully never get published---she's just come back in a recent anonymous comment to inform me she's a blogger herself under another name. Furthermore she says she has open comments and thinks I'm lower than a worm for not having them too. And I'm ignorant. She also says they know who I am.... me and my ilk are a dying, pathetic breed. Nice.

Well, she might be right. Then again, she might be wrong. Time will tell, won't it?

However, one thing's clear: she doesn't have anything better to do than come here. It's been her job. Until today, when she got fired and is now standing in the unemployment line of my comments section. No bailout will follow.

I'm a small-time blogger and have zero aspirations of being anything else. Still, I'm amused and baffled that Ellen is threatened enough to take the time and effort to bring out the heavy artillery day in, and day out here at Webutante. I must be doing something right.

Ellen thinks she has the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth; that her comments here are so shattering and filled with socialistic light that I can't bear publish them. Yawn. I'm more than happy to let her go on believing that. It's her delusion; who am I to take it away?

This is not about publishing opposing views and sincere discussion. It's about her full-frontal, abusive assault of me and this blog on a constant, continuing basis which is now over. For good. I'm making it public here tonight.


  1. Wow - I've been busy and missed the latest exchange. All I can say is that her words reveal who she is. You have been very patient with her.

    The good thing is that you can run your site the way you wish. Some blogs I follow don't allow any comments at all. Others with unmoderated comments tend to fall off my radar screen pretty quickly.

    I hope you'll continue to post your unique mix of politics, economics, fashion, travel, and faith for as long as it suits you.

  2. I happen to know Ellen, and yes, she can be vociferous, but when it comes to the truth, I've not known her to tout falsehoods. I've also known her to admit it when she is wrong.

    It takes a person with an arsenal of knowledge and research to effectively debate Ellen, not for those who live simply by talking points, and hasty judgments. If your position is flawed, she'll find it, and prove it (if you'd let her). I can see why you would get tired of that. Anyone would.

  3. Thanks Fraydna, fortunately the First Amendment still applies---at least for now---to this site too where I can still say 'enough is enough'--- for good reason and no reason at all.

    William, thank you for your towering assessment of your and Ellen's monopoly on the 'truth.' I'm afraid I don't hold the same high-regard for her abusive left-wing brow-beating that you do. And ending this silliness is long past due.

  4. Last night a friend and hiking buddy in Jackson Hole sent me the cutest email called 'Glorious Insults.' It includes wonderful one liners from a time before the laziness of four-letter words when put-downs were clever and well thought out.

    Thought it would be fun and appropos to publish one of two below. I'll publish more soon on my main page:

    The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor:

    She said, "If you were my husband, I'd give you poisoned Tea."

    He answered, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."

    I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. - Clarence Darrow

    He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary. -William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)

    He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. -Oscar Wilde


    Having and keeping a sense of humor is the best antedote for laborious, hammer-wielding truth-mongers.
