Thursday, February 18, 2010

Riding the Train To Manhattan

LOVE THESE DEEP WINTER LANDSCAPES of warm and cool neutrals----grays and ochres. I find them restful, simple and beautiful. I snapped the above photo from the train as we traveled through New Jersey into Manhattan. Coming up on the train from D.C. is such a treat for me. So much more low-keyed than flying these days. Gives me time to gather myself to be with G-boy below. He's walking, starting to talk and growing baby teeth now. And his Daddy gave him his first ever haircut last week. Not sure he put a bowl on his head or not. But he's adorable. Nowhere I'd rather be at the moment; nothing I'd rather be doing while his lovely mother rests in bed in the 7th, almost 8th month of her second pregnancy.

G-boy's first sentence recently: Don't over-tax me, bro.