Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Right Live At CPAC

MEANWHILE, Ron Paul wins straw poll at CPAC. Amazing!


  1. It would have been nice for Coulter to note at CPAC that Palin, who preaches about "death panels" and the evils of socialized medicine, has a grandson - Trip who reaps the benefits of socialized medicine under the federal gov't run IHS healthcare program.

    Of course you wouldn't want your readers to know this... heaven forbid!

  2. William, what a ridiculous statement. My readers have much more than my site to know what goes on in the world.

    My response to this link is So what?! A program is there and the child fits the criteria. Great! That doesn't mean Palin must be for widespread socialized medicine. Period.

  3. And BTW, bringing this up on this thread is totally off topic. End of conversation.

  4. William, your good friend Ellen has already made your point 15 times last week referring to Maddow. If you are her proxy, then you'll have the same fate here.

    Also, your unpublished comments have nothing to do with the above post.
