Thursday, January 14, 2010

Victor Hanson On Five Truths We Dare Not Speak

NOBODY WRITES ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WITH ITS DEVASTATING EFFECTS ON OUR COUNTRY AND ECONOMY--- dispelling the euphemistic and myriad myths with harsh realities--- better than Victor Davis Hanson. I remember the first time I met Victor years ago. I was wandering around a tony boutique bookstore outside Santa Barbara when I spied a tiny book called Mexifornia on the round table of recommended books. I picked it up, and began perusing its pages with a fine tooth comb. Then I bought it.

I was visiting a friend in Monticeito and needed something else to read in between hiking up mountains in the area. Little did I know, my life would never be the same. It was a quick read written with truths and documentation from his hard-earned experience, but its harsh realities are tidbits I'm still digesting today.

Today in Pajamas Media, Victor gives thumbnail sketches on illegal immigration-- what it has done to California and doing to the country, along with four other truths that are no longer fashionable to discuss: the success of the surge in Iraq, the failures of affirmative action, the myth of the superiority of an Ivy League education, and finally how anti-Semitism keeps the Middle Eastern the most flagrant and long-lasting conflict in the world.

Ever since I met Victor Hanson in that bookstore in Mexifornia, I listen when he writes, even though I sometimes wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then. Or something like that. Read Hanson and occasionally weep. We owe it to ourselves as conservatives to read what he writes. Believe me, you can't make this stuff up.

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