Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nephilim and Other Amazing Bible Stories in Genesis at One Year Bible Blog


THIS FIRST SUNDAY IN 20-10, the beginning of the 20-Teens, I'd like to highly recommend you take a look at the link on my sidebar, if you haven't already, called OneYearBibleblog--- a study which takes you through the entire Bible---Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs---in exactly one year. It doesn't take you through the Bible in a daze either. Each day's readings come with commentary (mostly written by the outstanding Bible scholar Bob Deffinbaugh) so power-packed and light-filled that I believe if you take the time to read even some of it, you're life will never be the same.

The study begins anew each year on January 1 in Genesis and Matthew and ends at the end of December in Malachi and Revelation. If you are drawn to this post, I hope you will partake as you can of this life-changing experience of the Word of God with commentary. I am completing this fascinating daily study for the third time in three years, and am excited about beginning my fourth round through the Bible. Even if you read it sporadically, on whatever level you're ready for, you will gain wisdom and understanding for your daily life and relationships.

While I do several other Bible studies off the Web in adult classes in church settings, this is the foundation of my day and my daily walk with Christ. I can say without hesitation, if you want to see and experience change in your life and relationships---not perfection mind you-- then I hope you will join me and thousands of others in this amazing journey. You will not know how much you don't know of God's Word unless you do. I do promise you life will be changed slowly, often imperceptibly, but without a doubt as you go. Thank you, Mike, for the outstanding job you do 365 days a year.


One of the greatest arguments against Christianity most unbelievers have had over the centuries goes something like this: How can an all-powerful and loving God rule over a world of such massive suffering and pain and allow it to continue and not do anything about it?

It's a mighty question that begs a mighty answer. Here in the third chapter of Genesis is the answer to what went wrong and why there's still suffering to this day. Bob Deffinbaugh explains at The Fall of Man and he goes deep into the mental attitudes that go to the fundamental roots of man's first temptation and sin that led to our separation from God, our suffering and the introduction of death into the world.

But never fear, Help has come, and even here now.

Deffinbaugh continues his exposition of Genesis 3 with Fruits of the Fall and why man's expulsion from The Garden sets the stage for the greatest story ever told, The Redemption of Mankind by the Second Adam, Jesus Christ. Coming this year to a One Year Bible blog near you.

May God bless your New Year and open your mind and heart to the life-changing Word of God. It's the greatest adventure and greatest of blessings.


  1. Great post! I'm glad you're continuing on the One Year Bible journey with us!! God bless, Mike

  2. Thank you so much for all your efforts, Mike. You do a truly wonderful job with this and I cannot recommend it more highly. God bless.
