Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nine Trends Scott Brown's Epic Election Victory Presages

1. Healthcare reform as defined by liberal, anti-democracy, spend-like-there's-no-tomorrow, one-size-fits-all Democrats in Congress---with its public option and myriad behind-the-scenes special deals--- is DOA. Let me say it again, DOA. And the DOA ball is just getting started.

2. Nationalizing elections is more important than nationalizing healthcare. The Internet has changed everything as we're all now watching. We have hereby seen the end of state elections without national involvement especially when it's pivotal. Support and contributions for good, conservative candidates of either party is only just beginning. So get out your wallets, folks, and get ready to shell it out, baby, across state lines, from here on out. I expect to see a bumper sticker soon to the effect: I'm spending my children's inheritance on conservative causes, but saving them future taxes. Hey, I like it and may ever get it printed myself!

3. All political stars of the past 24 months are waning. This includes Nancy Pelosi, Sarah Palin and your hope-and-change truly, President Barack Obama. We live in a time of meteoric political half-lives which rise and fall faster than a speeding bullet. Nancy will soon go home to watch her husband's baseball team and Sarah Palin will become a lucrative ladies home companion who signs books and drinks lots and lots of tea. Neither women, nor Mr. Obama, will ever hold office again.

4. Party commitment will be scarce as hens' teeth: Sure there are still two parties in the United States, both with declining numbers, however, the bulk of American voters---Independents---are and will remain at the go-to fulcrum of all successful future campaigns. While Independents will float a little left and right of center and occasionally lose their way to charlatans (as in 2008), this group will determine who wins from now on, every time. Their loyalties will never be to either party again, as in the old days, but rather to practicality and principles that preserve foundations of liberties and rights based on personal responsibility.

5. Americans care about national solvency---ours and our children's---more than we realized as the good times rolled. Sure we've been a nation of personal spendthrifts, but when it comes to our country's fiscal well-being, we know when to say enough is enough. And we're saying it now. And we're saying it loud and clear.

6. Bigger Government and bigger spending are peaking and---in spite of all evidence to the contrary---are on the way south. Sure Bush should have, could have used his veto pen more, and for that I de-commend him a little, however Mr. Raise-the-Debt-Ceiling Obama has more than worn out his political welcome which was based solely on false premises and faux Greek columns.

7. States rights and responsibilities are on the rise. It's no longerThe South will rise again so much as the states will rise again, higher and higher.This is a wonderful thing and the only answer to our top-heavy federal government. Just think what 50 state laboratories can do for the American dream, circa 2010....

8. Freedom is not free and the land of freedom and liberties with responsibilities is a land of grown-ups who are willing to fight for our country's founding principles, including states rights and freedom from government tyranny. It's time for all of us to take a big leap towards growth and away from our cradle to grave entitlements mentality. It's time we all do our part. It's now or never, folks.

9. Most of us, if we're honest, would still rather have a good man with a firm political stance at the helm of state than a woman all things being equal. Oh yes we would. It's why Sarah Palin has peaked and moved into conservative celebrity, folk-hero status and will stay there.

More later.

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