Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Congressional Exodus! No Country For Old Men!

NEXT? Dem Senators In Trouble: Harry Reid (NV), Arlen Specter (PA), Blanche Lincoln (AR), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Michael Bennett (CO)
GLORY HALLELUJAH! Dodd declares he's leading the crossing of the Deadest of Seas for liberal political pickpockets and hacks to the promised land of high dollar retirement benefits and exclusive gold-plated healthcare forevah at taxpayers expense. Other of his generation will follow soon after doing the maximum damage on the economy---housing, healthcare, banking---they possibly can.

Their motto? Big government and other people's money is the answer to all problems.

More from NRO. Photoshop photocredit NRO. Trouble is that these people with Pelosi and Reid are going to do a hit-and-run on healthcare and then flee the scene of the crime. Dodd will probably retire to Ireland, never to be seen again. Oops, not so fast with the hallelujahs! Cushy landing for Dodd?

Bill Whittle at PJTV opines on the damage the liberal mindset had wrecked on America. Stay with it, it gets better and better as it goes. Roger Kimball at PJM says Good riddance!


  1. Because of Dodd's decision not to run, that story is overshadowing the fact that Colorado Governor Bill Ritter also announced today that he will not run for reelection. Do we see the hand of Rahm Emanuel in either or both of these stories?

    Ritter's involves the immigration issue and some dirty dealings regarding an ICE agent who was effectively going after some Mexican crime bosses. The ICE agent was passing information to the Republican candidate for governor about how Ritter, when he was Denver D.A., mishandled prosecution of crimes committed by illegals. People lied to the F.B.I. Don't ever do that! Karma is slow sometimes, but it eventually grinds boulders into stones into pebbles.

  2. and into sand...very interesting Bob.
