Friday, January 22, 2010

Drops Down Economics

THE REAL STATE OF THE UNION IN 2010: UNSUSTAINABLETHIS FROM MY FAVORITE BEST BAD INFLUENCE in Grand Junction. Giving graphic, twisted new meaning to the term trickle down economics.

So let me get this straight again, I keep forgetting: Does government exist for the people? Or, do people exist for the government? Just asking.

Also, I'm posting this again because I think it's brilliant and oh so funny.


  1. From your trusted news source, FOX NEWS POLL:

    In hypothetical head-to-head matchups, President Obama tops each of the Republican candidates tested.

    By 47 percent to 35 percent Obama bests former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The president has an even wider edge over former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin (55 percent to 31 percent), and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (53 percent to 29 percent).

    Finally, twice as many people say they would vote for Obama (48 percent) as would back a candidate from the Tea Party movement (23 percent).

    Even with Fox actively trying to undermine the President, he still destroys the field of candidates at the top of the GOP's list. heh

  2. Yawn. Ellen, I remain thoroughly unconvinced. Guess time will tell. Remember, every poll in the country put Scott Brown far behind in Massachusetts even a week before the special election....the rest is history.
