Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Terrorists Should Not Be Tried In Federal Civil Court with Miranda Rights

A QUICK AND DRAMATIC study on why the War on Terror should not be criminalized and relegated to Federal Civil Court rather than Military Tribunals. Senator Lindsey Graham grills Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday in a one-on-one in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Every thinking American should watch this and be edified. If you don't come away discomforted and wondering what in heaven's name the Obama administration is thinking trying these terrorists in NYC as criminals---with the same rights as U.S. citizens---rather than enemy combatants--- then we're in worse trouble than I think. As Graham reiterates to Holder this decision would be a major perversion of justice and set a dangerous precedent. Graham lays it out and tells Holder in no uncertain terms why. I get the feeling Holder heard things he'd never heard before.

Either way, the decision by the Obama administration is ill-advised and very poorly thought out. It makes them look more sophomoric and wreckless than ever.And we won't even begin to talk about the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars the taxpayers--you and I---we be required to shell out in this high population density venue. As if we don't have enough monetary distress already.

Thanks to Neo for calling our attention to this. She's at her best.

Sen. Lindsey Graham

Miranda rights/warning


1 comment:

  1. There are so many things wrong about this admin that I don't know what to break down over next. Keeping my fingers crossed that the whole lot of them will be out soon...
