Saturday, November 28, 2009

Got It Right The First Time: Say It Ain't So Tiger

TUESDAY: Tiger's other women come forward with proof of affairs with the cad.
MONDAY: Tiger Woods is not Princess Di, he's a professional golfer for heavens sake!
SUNDAY UPDATE: Statement from Tiger Woods. Good for him: "Embarrassing" crash was his fault and he takes full responsibility for it. This is exactly as it should be and ought to be the end of the public spectacle, since it's absolutely none of our business. The Woods---Tiger and the elusive Elin---owe the public, with its insatiable, desperate need-to-know, nothing. Repeat: they owe us NOTHING. They owe each other and their children a very great deal which can only be worked out in private.

UPDATE: It's reported that neither Tiger or Elin Woods are ready to talk to highway patrolmen about their domestic altercation and his subsequent car crash into a fire hydrant in the compound where they live outside Orlando. The truth is, to the extent they can, from here on out, they're so wise to keep this as far from the public eye---from our morbid curiosity and the orgasmic press--- as possible, if for no other reason than their children. They need the best publicist money can buy to protect them, and then should work out their problems over time in as low profile, private ways as possible. Who cares anyway? None of it is any of our business anyway even though we may demand to know every detail so we can jammer endlessly about it. I wish them well and pray they can save their marriage and their family. Mega-success and fame like Tiger Woods has attained comes like a loaded gun with a mind blowing number of temptations and challenges.....Just ask Denise and Alan Jackson and so many, many others who have been there and come to the other side, only by the Grace of God.


LIKE EVERYONE ELSE in the known universe who's heard about Tiger Wood's "freak" accident, I've wondered how in the world a man could leave home at 2 am, have a wreck in his front yard, then another in front of his neighbor's house, and it not have anything to do with alcohol or drugs. Color me incredulous.

Until now. Even as we heard that Wood's wife Elin helped "rescue" him from the car with a golf club, things were still not adding up. Police said, charges were pending. But pending for whom? The fire hydrant? Nothing made sense to me, at least. Until now.

It's starting to come out that Mr. and Mrs. Woods had a frightful domestic altercation the night of Tiger's accident over the possiblity of another woman. He fled to his car with Elin in hot pursuit wielding a driving iron. And the rest is history.

There are now denials by this other woman that she has only met Tiger but is not involved with him. In any case, it's a sad situation with children involved. Sometimes success and mega-money is harder to endure than the opposite. I hope they will weather this storm intact, and be better for it all in the process.


  1. Now that everyone is physically okay: Tiger must rue the day he taught her the overlapping grip.

    It's a funny thing about men: usually, they do not cheat b/c the other woman is more beautiful. Often, the other woman is less beautiful.

  2. It's a dilemma for me.

    Suppose a woman was badly injured in a rather suspicious car crash - her man holding a golf club, etc., suspicious story.

    But the woman doesn't want to press charges.

    Should we press them anyway?

    On the one hand, she doesn't want to.

    On the other hand, she may be afraid to. Abusers can terrify their victims in many ways.

    Also, there are children in the house. Does that make a difference?

    I am not sure what action(s) I'd support on this. But I think if it was a bloody-mouthed woman and a golf club wielding man, there'd be a lot more likelihood that the attacker would be arrested.

  3. Good points, Marie, and well taken. Again we don't know all the facts. Men and women who lose it are perceived differently, no matter what the politically cultural correctness might want us to think because women are the fairer sex (I'm telling it like I see it). I think we need to be careful with the equality of outcome thing here with men and women.that's not to automatically exonerate all women in acts of aggression and anger. No one is outside the rule of law in our country. However, I don't believe charges will be filed here over acts committed essentially within their domicile and don't think they should be. Tiger doesn't appear to want that.

    We know Tiger's wife Elin has just had another baby and also learned her husband may have had a fling with some professional manizer....there's almost nothing I can think of that could unhinge a woman in that situation more than that. Nothing. It's not cut and dry, but I'll tell you what, Tiger has been put on notice by this incident (and the other woman had best back off too)...cause this won't do if Tiger wants to keep his marriage and family in tact. Not with Elin at least.
