Monday, November 16, 2009

Democrats Party of Lawyers


WHAT I'M POSTING HERE IS NOT NEWS. Yet, I think it bears repeating and along the way begs a few questions---even if they're rhetorical. Ready?

OK. The Democratic Party is made up of lots and lots of lawyers who don't make anything; they'd rather pass things like laws. Many elected Democrats in Washington are lawyers. To review, here are a few from the Democratic Legal Complex:

Barack Obama is a lawyer.
Michelle Obama is a lawyer.
Hillary Clinton is a lawyer.
Bill Clinton is a lawyer.
John Edwards is a lawyer.
Elizabeth Edwards is a lawyer.

You know all this, but are you nonetheless dizzy yet? I'm not done.

Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate). Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.

Now let's look at current Democratic leaders in Congress:

Harry Reid, Democratic leader of the Senate, is a lawyer.
Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the House, is a lawyer.

So let's stop for a minute and ask our most important question: SO WHAT?

This surfeit of Democratic lawyers means they want to change our country and world through laws and law-making and expanding government. That's what they do, and all they know how to do. Lawyering, law making and laws are their focus, job description and meaning in life. So why do we keep electing these lawyers? They wouldn't be caught dead passing term limits, btw, which would limit them staying forever in office and passing even more laws. No law will ever be passed by Democrats that expires or limits a Democratic lawyer or law maker.

Democrats view the world and change exclusively through the lens of laws, rather than of innovation in the free markets, economies and other creative private sector enterprises. Liberal Democratic lawyers believe ALL THINGS are possible by the power of writing, passing, enforcing bill for every aspect of our lives. Once passed, Democrat lawyers love to play the blame game of suing for massive damages. The Democratic ACLU loves to sue and divert precious resources for frivilous suits for anything and nothing. Making trouble is its job.

Currenty, Obama and his Democratic lawyer-led Congress believe they can remake America by passing two huge laws: First, healthcare reform law which makes big government bureaucracy hugely bigger while invading every American's life and health care process from cradle to grave.

Ever wonder why one of the most obvious ideas to revamp health care and bring down costs--tort reform and limiting a doctor's liability--- is wantonly and consistently overlooked by Democratic lawyers and law makers? Look no further than Democratic lawyers who refuse to pass tort reform because then they couldn't sue the daylights out of doctors and hospitals, taking millions of dollars in awards for themselves and their clients.

Democratic lawyer and presidential candidate-with-a-mirror John Edwards made his fortune lawyering, suing and feeding off doctors through predatory medical lawsuits which had no limits to liabilities and which lined his pockets beyond handsomely--pun intended.

Again, it's all about the Democratic party of lawyers making laws which help lawyers make more laws and more money so more can run for office, win and make even more laws and money.

The second big-ticket item on Democratic lawyers' agenda is man-made climate change laws they want passed on the national and international levels. Such laws would enlarge big government and regulation to unheralded proportions (and One World government) putting the heavy burden of paying for these laws on the shrinking backs of taxpayers.

Climate change laws would help Democratic lawyers make gazillions of dollars by suing law breakers, so then running for office in order to make even more laws, raise taxes and continue to help "solve" all our problems through more laws and bigger government and law suits.

Ever wonder why Al Gore, a would-be lawyer who never graduated and also a wanna-be theologian, wants to have all these climate laws passed? It's because these laws will help him and his investors make trillions upon trillions of dollars in alternative energy and carbon-based products they damn well expect better be mandated through these new laws. (That's why Goldman Sachs and The Nature Conservancy--both private corporations---want massive climate change laws passed. They stand to make a monetary killing on these new laws and are backing them and the Democratic lawyers with all the resources they have at their disposal.)

Make no mistake, the Democratic Lawyer Party wants to reform America through making laws that will be hard on us taxpayers, but good for them politically and monetarily. It's not rocket science that with all these lawyers in Washington today, WE, the American people, are in a heap of trouble.

Now let's contrast this with the Republican Party made up mostly of non-lawyers:

President Bush is a businessman..
Vice President Cheney is a businessman.
Newt Gingrich, leader of the Republican revolution, was a history professor.
Tom Delay was an exterminator.
Dick Armey was an economist.
House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer.
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a heart surgeon.

Gerald Ford was the last Republican president who was a lawyer. He left office 31 years ago and barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, running against Ronald Reagan in 1976.

The Republican Party is made up of professionals and real people doing real work who are often the targets of lawyers---liberal Democratic lawyers. Doctors are also major target of lawyers. The ACLU's Democratic lawyers sue any and every thing that has even the slightest tinge of Christian religious overtones.

The bottom line for now is that Americans have now elected so many Democratic lawyers who are leading this country that we may never recover from the onslaught of new laws most people don't want and government growth and taxes that will sap more and more money its unhappy citizens.

Isn't it time we sit down and have another cup of tea and start to figure out our next move to get these liberal Democratic lawyer criminals out of office?

(Thanks, Steve in Grand Junction.)


  1. Wow! What an informative post. I really enjoy reading your thoughts. I do not know you but it is awesome to connect with a kindred spirit both politically and theologically. Thanks, Randal

  2. Thanks very much, Randal. Please come back and add your 2 cents worth anytime. Best wishes.

  3. The Republican Party has long been the party of those who create. The Democrat Party has long been the party of those who redistribute. Lawyers create nothing, but redistribute, with a third going into their pockets, of course.

  4. Yes, it's a scandalous train that we've got to stop, Treg.
