Friday, August 21, 2009

One of The Great Joys of Being Back in the South

HOME GROWN TOMATOES. Even as I languish through the doldrums of reverse altitude adjustment---for me it's harder coming down than going up---there are some wonderful consolations to the process. These beauties are one. Brought to me and left on my door-step by Bob, the head of maintenance here at my condo complex. Absolutely delicious...just add sea salt, pepper and serve with eggs, green beans, bacon, cucumber, cheese or whatever tickles your palate's late-summer fancy. I personally love to eat 'em alone with a little salt and dill.


  1. Hope you can get some down in Paraguay! So de-licious, Rita!

  2. Red all way through and sooo tasty. :o)


  3. Yes Mama!! Love 'em for breakfast too!
