Sunday, July 5, 2009

How God Created Us


WHILE ON MY DRIVE last week into Colorado, I heard two amazing broadcasts from Focus on the Family. This is the testimony of Adolph Coors IV who spoke of his family and early life, including the disappearance and brutal murder of his father back in the early 60s outside Golden Colorado.

Part 1 of My Journey to Salvation is here, and part 2 follows. Truly poignant and worth listening to from a man who had it all and still found nothing filled the hole in his heart until God invaded it and broke through his many self-defeating patterns.

The thing that stood out the most in my mind is the point that Ad Coors makes about how God creates a hole in our hearts that only He, God, can fill. Yet each of us often spends a lifetime filling the void with everything else: work, play, sex and romance, power, money and success, family, shopping and spending money, writing, alcohol, therapy, pornography,bitterness, drugs, good works and a million other things. At first and for a while, it seems we have found IT, whatever our own idea of IT is. Then when the newness wears off and the fulfillment begins to fade over time, we go after another IT again, hoping it will better fulfill the hole.

This goes on and on endlessly until and unless the Grace of God breaks through in our lives and shows us the hollowness and futility of our endless attempts of making good things ultimate things in our lives. That's what sin is, our putting anything, anything before God. The Word of God isn't kidding when it says, Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things will then be added.


  1. So true! My peace, comfort, and joy come from knowing Jesus and from the realization of how much he loved me!

    Luke's Berm (on your side bar) really touched my heart! What a wonderful idea!

  2. Well said. I am working on that hole myself...glad your trip was great....and I really liked the tips about eating for a long trip..very helpful!

  3. Mr. Fray liked the broadcast so much that he ordered the CD. Very moving and powerful, especially to a guy in the business world.

    Once again, your post is meaningful and real. Thank you for sharing it and God bless you.

  4. Thank you for your comments and glad these talks by Adolph Coors touched you all, especially Mr. Fray, as they did me. Try as we may and no matter how much we think we can at times, nothing fills that hole in us, nothing at all, except God. Because it was made expressly for that purpose alone.

  5. Pam, I meant to do a longer post on Luke's berm but what little wireless I had crashed and then I had to get on the road late Sunday.

    Peggy and Steve whom I visited in Grand Junction lost their third child, Luke, 20, in a motorcycle accident in Santa Barbara in April, 2005. Their pain and sorrow has been inestimable and almost inconsolable, as we might expect.

    No one knows how they will go through such a trauma. But I have to say they have set the standard for role models in spite of deep grief. Peggy makes things and gardens, so for her, doing Luke's berm over the past few years has been a labor of love and deep healing. Steve has coped in many amazing ways also too numerous to mention.

    As we know, this sadness never goes away completely. But we also know, God uses all for His Purposes and in time the hard edges are softened.
