Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wake. Up. Call. America.

The Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has just about had enough of big Washington government intruding in his citizens' lives and pocketbooks. This is a major development in the great divide that is happening in this country. Read. Watch. Listen. Go back and read the Constitution. Attend to a Tea Party tomorrow, I am. And Pray.

Perry reiterates, I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”


  1. Very nice to hear.

    We've sailed so far from shore, we no longer believe its solid footing is possible.

    It will strain our cognitive habits to think in terms of the Constitution, but it very may well lead to mental, political health.

    I'm glad the issue is being raised. Now prepare for red herrings from the left.

  2. Pesky 10th Amendment! :-)

    Is Texas A Terror State?-

  3. If Texas secedes, can I come down and live with you all?

  4. If Texas secedes, can I come down and live with you all?Don't wait for secession. Come on down. You are welcome anytime. :-)


  5. Thanks, I love Texas and always have.

  6. Wow. I'm anti-American for wondering how a Shi'a led Iraq with close ties to a Shi'a led Iran makes the US safer...and you're the one half joking about seceeding from the Union? You're not actually serious, are you?

    Call me an America hater all you want, but as a country we're better off united than we ever will be divided.

  7. I am half-joking at this point. But, vienna, there has been a great divide going on in this country for decades. And it's only getting larger, it seems. United under a tyrannic federal government, no matter who the president is, will never be a country better off. I certainly hope it never comes to that.

  8. Your argument might have more weight if you *had ever* criticized the Bush administration for the trillion dollar tax cuts, the medicare prescription drug givaways, the total disregard for the 4th ammendment, and the expected trillions of dollars we'll spend in Iraq if we ever leave that place.

    Tyrannical government? Hmmm....me thinks you're probably driving to your teabagging exravaganza on a publicly funded, socialist roads, with plenty of publicly funded, socialized police personnel guarding you. Then you'll go home to your house where you have publicly funded, socialized clean water, electricity, phone service and the like.

    Forget dumping the tea bags at the capitol (which is causing havoc with our publicly funded, socialized police sevices - thanks teabaggers!!!) - you wanna cut loose from tyrannical government? Disconnect your phone, sewer, water, electricity; drive on non-subsidized, socialized roads; do not use publicly-funded socialized police, rescue, fire services; forget about ever visiting a publicly-funded socialized library; etc, etc, etc. Then I'll know you're serious...

  9. OK Vienna, that's as far as we're going down this road today. You argument sounds worthy until you realize that all is local and state government responsibility---and if the feds have injected themselves than it's time they e-jected themselves. Isn't it time you went and read the Constitution and reviewed the enumerated powers?

  10. One other thought before I leave the computer...as usual you've proven my point...you libtards confuse unhooking from civilization (turning off water, power, schools,etc.) with unhooking from the federal government some....to you civilization and life itself is the federal government. To conservatives like me, the feds are NOT civilization.

  11. Libtard? Come on, you're a better person than that.

    I'm not saying unhook from civilization - I'm saying, unhook from the tyrannical government at every level which is ruining your life. Let private industry provide you with all those services. Good luck with that.

  12. And I'm saying it's only the federal government that is becoming oppressive. Don't think you can hear that. IT'S. ONLY. THE. FEDERAL. GOVERNMENT. that is the object of protest today.

    Good day, my dear.
