Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Wonder What's Going On In The Old Boy's Mind Long About Now

UPDATE: Well, okay then.


WE ALL KNOW, Prince Phillip is a rascal with a grand sense of British humor and displays a clear disdain for political correctness in every way, shape, form, and on every continent featuring boorish state dog-and-pony shows. I've often found his penchant for saying the so-called wrong thing at the right time utterly refreshing and often funny as hell.

At a World Wildlife Fund dinner several years ago, he poked fun at the Chinese saying: “If it swims and it’s not a submarine, the Chinese will eat it.” After spending a month in China years ago, I can tell you they can and do eat almost anything. (And I've seen em spit shrimp shells all over the table clothes too.) So what, praytell, is wrong with saying it?

In 2002, Philip asked an Australian Aborigine: “Still throwing a spear?" It was considered a racist question but in my politically incorrect opinion, it was a perfectly fair question, as in, Are you still shooting grouse in the highlands with your 20-gauge? (No you racist rubes, I've now evolved to a 12-gauge and am duly offended! Phillip might have similarly replied.)

Then there was the “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?” remark in 1994 that Philip asked someone from the Cayman Islands. Another honest question with a hint of wicked humor.

When he met the president of Nigeria, dressed in a traditional robe, Philip observed: “You look like you’re ready for bed!”

And so it goes, according to quotes from a book on the Prince's indiscretions called The Duke of Hazard. I'd much prefer calling it and him the Duke of Spice.

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But, oh, oh to have been a fly on the wall at Buckingham Palace today! What ever do you suppose he was thinking when The Giants entered the room, pleasantries bantered about and presents exchanged? What about when The Queen, opened her official gift, the iPod, from the new hip residents of White House? I'm trying to image her royal savvy and graciousness at such a plebeian and pedestrian act of generosity on our parts. Then again, perhaps she can use another iPod and can take it to the summer palace.

What I feel is a sigh of relief that Michelle actually covered those arms she loves to flaunt when she went in the meet The Queen. I know it was a sacrifice, however, she appears to have borne up well and to be no worse for wisely wearing a 3/4 black sweater (J Crew?) to meet Her Highness, The Queen. But as we see below, the Browns were not spared MO's signature arm wrestler look at Downing Street and in my opinion, this is a mistake of propriety for the sake of making a silly and inappropriate fashion statement.


  1. An iPod for the Queen. What was he thinking?????

  2. My goodness, they're tall and certainly tower above the royals!
