Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Syria Offers 'Peace' to US?

Obama's New Diet for America: A Steady Stream of Whoppers
BUT OUR ENEMIES NEW DIET IS---US, as in the United States (no pun intended)
I READ ABOUT THE NEWS OF Syrian President Bashar Assad extending the olive branch of restoring full diplomatic relations with the United States with my eyes rolling back in my head. Whatever could Syria intend with such relations? Oh, I dunno, form a harmless little triangle with us against, oh say, Israel? You know the country they want nuked off the face of the earth?

And why would the leaders of our country even consider such a proposal under the guise of diplomatic relations?

Could it be the new Obama administration---what's left of it what with all the tax evasion and criminal activity of would-be cabinet members----want to secretly join them in the extermination of the Jews?

Couldn't be that Syria and Iran see President Obama as a little lamb they can lead to the slaughter, could it? Could it be they see Hillary as being just arrogant enough, with Billy-Bob, that she thinks she can actually make friends with terrorists and terrorist nations with no harmful effects?

Questions, questions questions. To which there are no peaceful answers. No answers at all except the hard one: to draw the line and hang tough with terrorists and our enemies. (Oh wait! Perhaps we could offer Nancy Pelosi up as a peace offering and she would go and live there forever.)

We can only hope, and pray, that our envoys and naive president all see the light and have their own On-the-Road-To-Damascus epiphanies before doing such a thing as making nice with Syria. It would be more than a travesty. It quite possibly be the....... beginning of World War III.

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