Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meet Rick the Trader


A terrific piece is up at American Thinker entitled Meet Joe the Plumber's Brother, Rick the Trader. Short, to the point and addresses White House Press Secretary Robert Gibb's glib criticsm that Rick Santelli doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to criticizing Mr. Obama's stimulus package and saying it rewards bad behavior. Oh really, Mr. Gibbs?

Don't miss the comparison of the resumes of Rick Santelli and Robert Gibbs either. In case you've been in outer space the past few days, here's Santelli's rant on CBNC calling for a new Chicago Tea Party:

Santelli is exactly the kind of man who understands derivitives and complexities of the financial markets who really ought to be advising the White House on real bailout strategies, specifically when it comes to dealing with the credit markets and toxic debt. Glad he's now got the administration's attention, even if he's had to take a hit or two doing it.


  1. From Gateway Pundit (Cheap Shot Chris Matthews Vs. Rick Santelli...)
    "Rick Santelli responded to the attacks on him from the White House press briefing by Robert Gibbs today. Gibbs wondered if Santelli read Obama's plan (Which is rich, since that’s more than anyone in Congress did before voting last week for the Obama Spendulus plan).

    Also worth looking at...

    Is It Any Wonder The Market Continues To Sink?

  2. Thanks, Paul, for the good link to the IBD editorial. They are correct in predicting how panic might set in if the elections went as they have. I just hope we can survive the next few years and not suffer irreparable damage in all areas.
