Friday, February 6, 2009

Freeing Pencil From the Pond

MEANWHILE: Nenner rocks, see below.

Did you hear about the rescue of Pencil Wednesday?

Evidently she was thirsty after her water trough froze and went looking for a drink at one of her favorite watering holes....the frozen pond and tavern down the road from the barn. The rest is history. Interesting to note that it took over 40 firemen in Northern Kentucky working over an hour to get her out. Way to go, fellows.

Pencil lives! And is undoubtedly still warming herself in her owners' living room somewhere in front of a roaring fire, sipping AquaFina through a long straw and nibbling sauteed oats with butter pecan syrup drizzled over it. Katie Couric is first in line for an exclusive interview. Her owner has assured the world that he will emphatically not allow her to give it to an Arab television station.

This reminds me of another great horse rescue story, I watched and participated in a while back in the Bridger-Teton wilderness in Wyoming. But that's a story for another day.


  1. ***Pencil lives! And is undoubtedly still warming up in her owners' living room somewhere in front of a roaring fire, sipping AquaFina through a straw and nibbling sauteed oats with butter pecan syrup drizzled over it***

    as well she SHOULD! :o)
