Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sen. Judd Gregg: Finally, A Politician Putting Principle Over Politics

ON Mr. LINCOLN'S 200th BIRTHDAY. Larry Kudlow takes off three hats to Sen. Gregg.

From Red Meat, via NRO

MY HAT IS OFF to Sen. Judd Gregg, R-NH, for withdrawing his nomination to Commerce in the Mr. Obama's shaky new administration. This is a very strong statement, done in a most appropriate, take-the-high-road manner. I want to write more about Gregg's fundamental economic differences with Obama and why this should concern all of us. But for now, suffice it to say, I salute this courageous politician and fiscal conservative for taking a stand and letting the chips fall where they may.

More in the Washington Times. While we're at it, How Treasury's Geithner offers paralysis over vibrancy in the economic stimulus.

File under: A good man is hard to find; a good politician is even scarcer. "We're operating from a different set of views."---Senator Gregg, referring to his differences with President Obama on the stimulus. That's putting it mildly. I do have to wonder why he accepted this nomination in the first place. Surely he must have seen this coming.


  1. I may be a supporter of Obama, but I do respect Gregg's decision. He is standing by his views and refuses to take this sitting down.

  2. I'm with you, Web. It was refreshing to see Gregg choosing not to be led by his ego, and acting according to his beliefs.
