Monday, February 2, 2009

Did You Know? Shocking Facts About the Proposed Bailout


THIS FROM THE NEW AskHeritage site. Shocking facts to take in. Read, digest and then talk about it. Remember, we're---YOU AND I---are paying for this humongus bailout bill:

AS PRESIDENT OBAMA settles into his new office, it is imperative that we encourage him and Congress to exercise prudence when attempting to rescue the economy. Massive deficit spending will only throw our country further into economic shambles, as the current stimulus and SCHIP bills do little more than increase our debt and healthcare costs. Consider the following issues with the "stimulus" bill:

1) The $825 billion bill would dump $10,520 of new debt per household into the laps of our children and grandchildren. The interest on this debt ($347 billion) will dump even more.

2) Under the stimulus, new groups of children and adults would be eligible for
Medicaid, the welfare program for the poor which is already going broke. These expansions are on top of spending $89 billion to bailout out failing state Medicaid programs.

3) The current "stimulus" bill will be the largest spending bill ever enacted by Congress, making the New Deal look small, accounting for inflation.

4) President Obama anticipates that spending over $800 billion will create 3.7 million new jobs. That means each job will cost more than $200,000, which is roughly equivalent to 5 times what the average American worker earns!

5) The bill is full of wasteful spending, including $21 million on new sod for the National Mall in Washington, $600 million on cars for government bureaucrats, and $650 million for digital television converters.

Read more, if you dare.


  1. And meanwhile, the Pentagon has been asked for a 10% cut in the 2010 budget. Surely in all this spending they could squeeze out enough from the stimulus bills to keep defense spending level.

    Can you say Jimmy Carter II? Yes, we can!

  2. It's interesting we're cutting defense yet increasing funding for STDs. Utterly scandalous!

  3. We're not cutting defense. The only way you could think we're cutting defense is if you use Karl Rove's "new math".

    The Joint Chiefs requested $584 billion for fiscal 2010 (that DOES NOT include war spending!!). The Bush administration requested $527 billion (that DOES NOT include war spending!!) in February '08 for the 2010 defense budget, which is what defense will get, plus money for war spending, usually in the form of "emergencey supplementals" which have been anywhere from $50-100 BILLION in the past.

    To recap: the defense budget for '09 is $487.7 billion and 2010 is $527 billion, so that's an INCREASE, not a decrease.
