Sunday, October 5, 2008

Escapee From Victimhood, Why He's Voting McCain/Palin

He's left the plantation and ripped the shackles off his brain is the short answer. Just doesn't get any better. What moxie. If he were running, he'd have my vote. He. Gets. It. I love you, man.

H/T The Anchoress

1 comment:

  1. Some questions...

    If Obama had an unwed teen daughter that was pregnant, what would conservatives be saying?

    If Obama credited his success to being prayed over by a black Kenyan witch hunter, what would conservatives be saying?

    If Obama's pastor talked about his state being a refuge in the 'end times' and Obama said he thinks he'll see Jesus return in his lifetime, would you want that person's finger on the nuclear trigger?

    All these are things that can be credited to Sarah Palin. Think about this.
