Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Feminists Fear Strong Women Like Governor Palin

UPDATE: Sarah'sbiggest contribution so far, exposing the feminist con job. Jonah Golberg at NRO writes: "But here’s the fun part. Feminists are hooked on their own Kool-Aid; they actually believe the stuff they say. The shrill, angry women you see on MSNBC claiming to speak for all women actually think they do. But they don’t. They speak for a few left-leaning women in faculty lounges, editorial boardrooms and that’s about it."


Perhaps it's because feminists' world view, ego trips, political power and empowerment revolve around perpetually selling womankind THE BIG LIE, the lie that says women are victims and can't do life, men, children or work without a strident feminist agenda to constantly battle the world's evil injustices. (BTW, it's the same lie of victimization, oppression and racism the radical civil rights movement uses today with its audience.)

James Lewis writes about it in American Thinker. An excerpt:

"For decades we've been told that half the human population -- the female half -- are somehow weak, oppressed victims, who cannot handle the normal challenges of life. Those are not the women you or I know. Normal women are incredibly strong; that's how evolution, or if you prefer God, made them; they are hardly pushovers or pitiable weaklings. Weaklings perish over the generations. The strong survive.

"All too often modern women have been suckered and bamboozled by a lifetime of Leftist agitprop, which has turned their strengths into weaknesses. But it's 100%

"Hillary Clinton has based her whole political career on the Myth of the Victimized Woman. Feminists who run our schools and colleges are always trying to push that story to naive students, just like the young Hillary of forty years ago, who was indoctrinated at Wellesley College. Even perfectly normal women have come to believe it."

Lewis continues,

"'Weak" women are a figment of the Left, just like 'weak' black people or 'weak' poor people. Those folks never used to be weaklings, until the media made them think they were. With the unanimous help of mainstream radio and TV you can talk yourself into feeling you're a victim of circumstances, just as under better influences you can talk yourself into feeling strong."

Yes, the MSM and feminist movements have been talking THE LIE to us for decades. I bought into it as many of my generation and the next generations. But not all of us stayed in THE LIE forever.

Still THE LIE mongering feminists continue churning out drivel on women as victims. Their livelihoods and neediness for status and power depend on it afterall.

Read what aging feminist diva Gloria Steinem has said about Palin in the past few days. Notice how she grinds her axe of THE LIE of female victimization again:

“American women, who suffer more because of having two full-time jobs than from any other single injustice, finally have support on a national stage from male leaders who know that women can't be equal outside the home until men are equal in it. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are campaigning on their belief that men should be, can be and want to be at home for their children.”

Ho Hum. Victim, victim, victim. Suffer, suffer, suffer. I had no idea, Gloria, how bad our collective female lives are, so thanks for setting me straight. Ever wonder what Steinem would have to talk about if she cut this nonsense out?

Sarah Palin never seems to have bought into THE LIE. She's probably been too busy living her life to bother. As an empowered woman who takes responsibility for her actions, she's been successful on many fronts; she's also surely made plenty of mistakes and corrected them. It's more than the radical, aging feminists can bear. Watching them come out in droves against what she, Palin, represents and the silliness of their arguments against her, not to mention the utter viciousness, is edifying and yes shocking to watch.

Take for instance the article Canadian Heather Mallick wrote on Palin the other day declaring that the GOP needn't nominate Palin because the white trash vote---is she talking about me?---is already sewn up. Mallick then continues by saying Palin isn't really even a female:

"Palin was not a sure choice, not even for the stolidly Republican ladies branch of Citizens for a Tackier America. No, she isn't even female really. She's a type, and she comes in male form too."

Oh, please. If Mallick can't do better than this, perhaps she needs time off to rest and ground herself in reality.

Neo writes eloquently recently about more of the radical left's shocking arguments against Palin.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly so.

    If the American Dream is real, there is no need for the more socialized government which the left and NOW desire. Palin's very biography threatens their most crucial truth, i.e. their conviction that the American Dream is fantasy, deception, a lie. She threatens the beliefs they have based their lives on. How DARE she succeed without benefit of affirmative action, connections, or money?!

    Result: instant hatred - she must be destroyed.
