Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Disgraceful, Cannibalistic Journalism

ALSO: Larry Kudlow, Palin our energy answer.
UPDATE: Peggy Noonan to McCain and Palin: Wit, wit, wit. Peggy continues on being a bubblehead (how ironic after her open mic syndrome---so tell us what you really think, Peggy),

"Let me say of myself and almost everyone I know in the press, all the chattering classes and political strategists and inside dopesters of the Amtrak Acela Line: We live in a bubble and have around us bubble people. We are Bubbleheads. We know this and try to compensate for it by taking road trips through the continent -- we're on one now, in Minneapolis -- where we talk to normal people. But we soon forget the pithy, knowing thing the garage mechanic said in the diner, and anyway we weren't there long enough in the continent to KNOW, to absorb. We view through a prism of hyper-sophistication, and judge by the rules of Chevy Chase and Greenwich, of Cleveland Park and McLean, of Bronxville and Manhattan. And again we know this, we know this is our limit, our lack. But we also forget it. And when you forget you're a Bubblehead you get in trouble, you misjudge things....." er, uh, yes, Peggy. Read the whole thing.


The utterly despicable double standard and hypocrisy with which the pro-feminist MSM is approaching and "vetting" John McCain's VP process and pick Sarah Palin is making a shocking new low in American journalism even at a time of sustained lows.

CNN's perpetually PMS-ing Campbell Brown, who has a one-year-old baby at home, dripping with jealousy and invective, having a mad-dog-with-a-bone tirade on CNN is the first case in point: what is one thing Palin has done in an executive capacity of Alaska's National Guard? she inveighs over and over, gaining anger with each passing swipe.

Former home wrecker Sally Quinn (who couldn't write but nevertheless made her way to the top by 'dating' then married Ben Bradley, former editor of the Washington Post) writing her new holier-than-thou religion column for the WAPO is another. Both, and there are many others like them though surely not all, are feminists and diva elites who couldn't stand up under their own scrutiny nor stand the thought of a non-elitist, talented, capable beautiful woman being elected VP under the guise that she's not ready or hasn't enough experience. These cannibal journalists whole-heartedly support an empty suit with little experience, as in community organizer Barack Obama. Maybe it's a father fixation thing. Yet a woman with experience as a wife, mother, mayor, executive, and Western governor and outdoors woman after my own heart, simply doesn't hold up to their grandiose double standards of perfection for her. If this is not the lowest point in American journalism, I don't know what can bottom it.

Ain't aging feminism grand? It only applies to the liberal anointed ones who believe like they do. It's the same in the civil rights movement with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Outstanding as he is, he doesn't count and is derided by many ignorant and jealous blacks and liberal white elites because he's a conservative with conservative principles. That means that no contribution he makes to the public good counts.

Let's be honest. No amount of vetting of Palin would ever satisfy these media bubbleheads and cannibals. So don't try. McCain was right in canceling his appearance on Larry King last night.

I've added two links at the top of my sidebar. One of them. Keep an eye on them. Did you know that MoveOn.org is offering $5,000 to anyone who brings in a juicy tidbit of dirt on Palin, her husband or family that will make them look bad? It's the American way. Never mind about Obama's cocaine use, or his friendship with Bill Ayers and the infamous Reverend Wright. Never mind that he's a professional candidate who will be running for office forever.

Let these cannibals and bubbleheads talk among themselves.


  1. Campbell Brown (wife of Republican consultant and former Coalition Provisional Authority spokesman Dan Senor) did not have a tirade on CNN. She asked Tucker Bounds to name one thing that Sarah Palin did as Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. He couldn't name one, which isn't strange since the head of the ANG, MGEN Craig Campbell said Palin while is "extremely responsive and smart", he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard.

    If John McCain can't stand up to CNN, how will he stand up to the terrorists?

    I don't think it's that women can't stand the thought of a "non-elitist" woman being elected VP, it's this particular woman being elected. From supporting the bridge to nowhere before turning against it (but keeping the money for other projects anyway), to saying no to earmarks (but not in Wasilla, where she hired a lobbyist with ties to Jack Abramhoff to secure $27 MILLION in earmarks for a town of 6500), to putting country first (while supporting an Alaskan secessionist movement started by a fella with some quaint ideas about America, i.e. not being buried under that "damn flag" we call the Stars 'n Stripes), to holding herself to high ethical standards (while using her office to fire her ex brother-in-law - and then firing the guy who wouldn't do it, requiring the citizens of Alaska to pay for her Attorney since she's about to be deposed), to being a steward of the tax payer's nickel (while leaving the metropolis of Wasilla $20 MILLION in the hole), to now watching Sarah Palin get up in church talking about how the war in Iraq is sent to us from God (that'll play well when she's the representative of the United States Government dealing with the various Iraqi political factions), it's obvious this woman is not ready for prime time. If John McCain wanted to pick a Republican woman with some gravitas, there were dozens (at least) to chose from. He took his advice from James Dobson, though, and we can see how that turned out, which would be funny if not so frightening.

    Seriously though, did you catch the part about her being pro-library censorship? After taking control of Wasilla, Alaska she immediately fired both the police chief and the town librarian. Why? They supported her opponent. Anyways, in a conversation Mayor Palin had with the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, the librarian was asked if she "could live with censorship of library books." Mayor Palin later claimed it was a "rhetorical" question, and the librarian was quietly reinstated (maybe it had something to do with the proposed recall of Mayor Palin or something).

    p.s. Is the MSM allowed to cover Bristol's baby daddy when he appears at the convention?

  2. Hope to address some of your points, V, when I have a little time.

  3. Poor, poor Pegs. Rule number one: do not speak the truth on a live mike.

    From Politico:

    After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mic ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin.

    "It's over," said Noonan, and then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen.

    "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives," she said. "Every time Republicans do that — because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at and they blow it."

    Murphy chimed in:

    "The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."

    Watch here: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0908/Noonan_Murphy_trash_Palin_on_hot_mic_Its_over.html#comments

  4. yes, I've heard and think it's actually very funny....remember Peggy is a self-described 'bubblehead', who sometimes forgets she's a one....and, she could be right on this. Then again, she could be very wrong.

    No telling what will happen in the 62 days between the bubbleheads of the left and right coasts and the bubbaheads of middle America.....it will certainly be interesting.

  5. Vienna VA: She asked Tucker Bounds to name one thing that Sarah Palin did as Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard.

    Hey Vienna. Name one time when Campbell asked that question of a male US governor.

    Tick. Tock. Still don't get it?

    Oh yes. She traveled to Iraq to be with her soldiers. That's one.

    Now, name something significant, anything, that you've done.

    Tick. Tock.

  6. She didn't travel to Iraq, she traveled to Kuwait. While they share a border, they're two differnt countries. Really. Look it up.

    "Now, name something significant, anything, that you've done."

    Well, let's see. I've supported my husband in his 20+ years of active duty military service, including deployments in both the first Gulf War and OIF/OEF. I've been a Cub Scout leader for 3 years. I've coached youth soccer and baseball. I've raised - with my husband - two children who have both earned citizenship awards in their school for the past two years running. I earned the CENTCOM Outstanding Community Service Medallion for my volunteer activities while living in Cairo, Egypt where my husband was assigned to the US Embassy.

    You like apples? How ya' like them apples, friend!

    p.s. Dudes, please, get some new material. Questioning what I do for Ameriica is like, sooooooo, 2004.

  7. Vienna VA obviously got the talking points memo. Just a tad of research not associated with the other talking points memeheads would show the points to be bogus.

    Unwritten Axlerod memo point; When attacking spread the lies on thick hoping the opposition will have to respond.

  8. Vienna, you have many significant accomplishments with you family and beyond.....

  9. Ok, I'll play. Please tell me which of my facts are wrong. Is it the earmarks? The bridge to nowhere? The library censorship? Leaving Wasilla $20 million in debt? The lobbyist with ties to Jack Abrahmoff? Troopergate?

    As for my significant accomplishments, I happen to think that what my husband and I do every day is completely average. We're active participants in our community and we take a very active role in our children's lives. My accomplishments are no more important or significant than the millions of Americans - ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POLITICAL AISLE - who demonstrate their love for this country by volunteering and making a difference. I only listed them because, once again, I have to defend myself and what I do for America.

    I am curious though Paulie - did I pass the test??

  10. vienna, you're a grown-up and what ultimately matters is you think you pass the test....otherwise you're just setting yourself up....

  11. I'm setting myself up for what exactly?

    I think when someone on this blog questions what I do for our country, and I respond with my list of patriotic qualifications, I'm entitled to know what he or she thinks. I know what I think - that I'm tired of answering that particular question and my record speaks for itself. I'm comfortable with my place in this world and what I do in my community.

  12. Vienna VA, I think you're an angry person. Being so angry and willing to constantly challenge instead of discussing will only make people question your veracity. If that was your intention you hve another accomplishment to add to you long list ofaccomplishments.

  13. I'm not an angry person. Remember that picture of Mary Tyler Moore tossing her beret up in the air on her show? That sums up my attitude towards life.

    I will admit that having to defend myself and my patriotism gets my ire. Perhaps you'd understand if people questioned yours...repeatedly.

    I'm always willing to discuss. I love give and take about politics. In fact, I'd love to hear from mred about any of my facts that I got wrong, and discuss my mistakes. Also, I'd love to hear back from Paulie and discuss what I've done or not done, and whether it's sufficient.

    My guess? I won't hear from either.

  14. Vienna VA, People do question my patriotism and my intelligence every day by calling me a nazi, a rethuglican and asking me to believe the boiler plate speaking points in the media and blogs meant to hurt conservatives and in this case support Obama.

    - "Campbell Brown (wife of Republican consultant and former Coalition Provisional Authority spokesman Dan Senor) did not have a tirade on CNN."

    Brown was trying to be offensive and succeeded. Family associations are important? Mary Matlin is married to Lizardhead James Carville. Campbell Brown’s father was a Democrat who was convicted of lying to the FBI and served a sentence in prison.

    - "the head of the ANG, MGEN Craig Campbell said Palin while is "extremely responsive and smart", he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard."

    No one has ever said Palin had a role in national defense activities, just that she was responsible for the Alaska National Guard and had to make executive decisions concerning them.

    - "If John McCain can't stand up to CNN, how will he stand up to the terrorists?"

    John McCain didn’t stand down to CNN. Tucker Bounds was in the interview. If you question McCain’s tenacity, read about his stay with the enemy the last time Democrat presidents made decisions on how to deal with the enemy.

    - "From supporting the bridge to nowhere before turning against it (but keeping the money for other projects anyway)"

    Palin wasn’t Gov when the bridge first came up. Later she stated it was a waste and against it and cancelled the $330 million project. Yes, she kept the money because it was already allocated and in the budget.

    - "to saying no to earmarks (but not in Wasilla, where she hired a lobbyist with ties to Jack Abramhoff to secure $27 MILLION in earmarks for a town of 6500)"

    “ties to Jack Abramoff." Ties is just another way to spell smear.

    - "to putting country first (while supporting an Alaskan secessionist movement started by a fella with some quaint ideas about America, i.e. not being buried under that "damn flag" we call the Stars 'n Stripes)"

    A lie. She never did this nor was she a member of the organizaton. The person who claimed she was a member had to admit that she was mistaken.

    - "to holding herself to high ethical standards (while using her office to fire her ex brother-in-law - and then firing the guy who wouldn't do it, requiring the citizens of Alaska to pay for her Attorney since she's about to be deposed)"

    She was found to be right in both cases, especially concerning her ex-brother in law who was a danger to the community and her family and the director wasn't fired, he was suspended for many reasons, none of which had to do with Palin's brother-in-law.

    - "to being a steward of the tax payer's nickel (while leaving the metropolis of Wasilla $20 MILLION in the hole)"

    She didn’t leave the town $20 million in the hole. What a ignorant statement. The city government has $20 million in long term debt for infrastructure and other things, which is a necessary evil for towns that are trying to grow their tax base and improve their viability. That Obama supporters parrot this shows an incredible ignorance of how city governments work.

    - "watching Sarah Palin get up in church talking about how the war in Iraq is sent to us from God (that'll play well when she's the representative of the United States Government dealing with the various Iraqi political factions)"

    If you want to smear a person’s religious beliefs, at least get the quote right. “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.

    - "it's obvious this woman is not ready for prime time. If John McCain wanted to pick a Republican woman with some gravitas, there were dozens (at least) to chose from. He took his advice from James Dobson, though, and we can see how that turned out, which would be funny if not so frightening."

    How do you know McCain is following James Dobson’s advice? Did Dobson or McCain tell you? Plus, if in your view Palin is not ready for prime time, why have the majority of people who heard her speech have favorable opinion of her. She may be frightening to you, but she is good and decent to the majority of voters. The whole "funny if not frightening" type statement is just a straw man set up to frighten people an is ot funny.

    Do your own homework and quit cribbing crap from morons who don’t have the first clue about what they’re talking about.

  15. Geez, mred, to quote the Webutante "I think you're an angry person."

    "Brown was trying to be offensive and succeeded."

    That's a matter of interpretation, apparently. Here's what Tucker Bounds said the following day:

    Tucker Bounds told CNN that Brown is "the consummate professional" and said, "I thought it was a great interview, it just went a little long, but we had a good time and all these guys at CNN are my friends."

    He continued, "I'm an enormous fan of Campbell, I have a great time every time I come on with you guys. John Roberts, and John King, everyone's great. CNN is top-notch."

    "Family associations are important?"

    Maybe. I just thought it was interesting to note who she's married to.

    "John McCain didn’t stand down to CNN."

    Yes, he did. He had an interview scheduled with Larry King on September 2nd, but cancelled it, and his campaign said: "We decided John McCain’s time would be better served elsewhere," was how McCain campaign spokeswoman Maria Comella tersely explained the cancellation.

    "Palin wasn’t Gov when the bridge first came up. Later she stated it was a waste and against it and cancelled the $330 million project. Yes, she kept the money because it was already allocated and in the budget."

    True. She was, however, an enthusiastic supporter of the bridge, running on it as an issue in her 2006 Governor's race.

    “We need to come to the defense of Southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table like the bridge, and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that’s so negative,” Palin said in August 2006, according to the Ketchikan Daily News.

    The Anchorage Daily News quoted her in October 2006 as saying she would continue state funding for the bridge. “The window is now, while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist,” she said.

    Here's a picture of her showing her support http://www.flickr.com/photos/baratunde/2826860356/

    She came out against it when Congress cut some of the money funding the bridge. And she kept what was left for other projects in Alaska.

    “ties to Jack Abramoff." Ties is just another way to spell smear.

    Mayor Sarah Palin hired lobbyist Steven Silver, former Chief of Staff to recently indicted Sen. Ted Stevens, to lobby in Washington, DC on Wasilla's behalf.

    Silver listed Jack Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig, as a client from 2002 - 2004. During that time, Mr. Silver lobbied on behalf of ""issues relating to Indian/Native American policy," "exploration for oil and gas" and "legislation relating to gaming issues". Who headed up those efforts at Greenberg Traurig? One Jack Abramoff, who joined the firm in 2001 and stayed until he was fired in 2004. On January 3, 2006, Abramoff pled guilty to three felony counts — conspiracy, fraud, and tax evasion — involving charges stemming principally from his lobbying activities in Washington on behalf of Native American tribes and was recently sentenced to 4 years in federal prison.

    “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,”

    Point well taken. I misquoted her. My position still stands though. And I'm not smearing her religious beliefs, I'm stating they won't play well in Iraq, which they certainly won't.

    "How do you know McCain is following James Dobson’s advice? Did Dobson or McCain tell you? "

    No, unfortunately neither of them will return my phone calls.

    From Time: Dr. James Dobson, a prominent evangelical leader who once said he would not vote for John McCain "under any circumstances," announced in the last hour that he planned to vote for McCain.

    The announcement by the head of Focus On The Family, an influential Colorado-based ministry, came Friday afternoon at a conservative outreach meeting in Minneapolis, which had been organized by the McCain campaign. "If flip-flopping is a sin, then I am a sinner," Dobson told the group, according to a first-person account of the address, which was confirmed by Dobson's office.

    The announcement comes just hours after McCain picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Palin has been widely cheered by conservative activists for her pro-life views and conservative governance record.

    "She may be frightening to you, but she is good and decent to the majority of voters. "

    I would argue the same thing could be said about Obama.

    "She was found to be right in both cases, especially concerning her ex-brother in law who was a danger to the community and her family and the director wasn't fired, he was suspended for many reasons, none of which had to do with Palin's brother-in-law."

    She was? Citations please.

    He wasn't? You should contact the Anchorage Daily News. Their story dated July 12, 2008 is entitled "State's top cop, Walt Monegan, is fired." http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/463204.html

    "Vienna VA, People do question my patriotism and my intelligence every day by calling me a nazi, a rethuglican and asking me to believe the boiler plate speaking points in the media and blogs meant to hurt conservatives and in this case support Obama."

    No one asks you to believe the "boiler plate speaking points in the media." You are free to believe what you want and get your info from whoever you choose - crap from morons or not. You are also free to support whichever political candidate you choose.

  16. Vienna VA, My error. I apologize. Commissioner Monegan was released (fired) and Trooper Wooten was suspended.

  17. Nothing nicer, mred, in IMO, than a man who can gracefully apologize.

  18. Fabulous post! No less than Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham made similar points about Justice Thomas and Sally Quinn.
