Monday, August 11, 2008

On The River, Into the Woods

In the old boat shed:

A few pics from my fishing trip today. I did not take my camera on the river to keep from dunking it, so I took these when my fishing partner put our boat back into the Snake River shed at Pacific Creek of GTNP. Was a long and very cool day for this time of year. We used the boat on the Snake, but mostly walked, walked, walked and fished, fished, fished. Very little carbon footprint here. I've never seen such unsummer weather in mid-August. The water is higher than I've ever seen it too for late summer.

I truly believe it's because there has been no sunspot activity since last year and if it continues, we're in for another very cold winter. Check out SpaceWeather on my sidebar for daily sunspot reports.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. what happened to the other one?
