Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Embarrassing Confession

It's embarrassing for me, a conservative blogger, to have a close friend who's at the DNC convention. That's bad enough. But it gets worse.

She's in Denver, at the Obamafest. And she's in enemy territory guest blogging at the Huffington Post.

When I saw her recently, she broke the news of her imminent trip to Denver to me gently:

"I'm going to Denver! I'm going to Denver! I'm blogging for the Huffington Post. Na-Na- NANA-NAAAAA!"

"I don't want to hear this," was my encouraging, supportive response. "Please, I don't want to know about it. Why can't you just stay in New York or Rhinebeck?"

After a few laughs, but only a few, we agreed it would, might, be an adventure. For her. I decided not to look and to forget she's in Denver this week. I would instead concentrate on Spike Lee's sun glasses, Ben Affleck's poker games and Michelle Obama's over-sized pearls.

Until this morning. When the e-mail arrived. With a link to her latest piece. In the HuffPo. I debated. To look or not to look? I really did. I tried not to look. But, well, then, in the final analysis, after all was said and done, okay, yes, and in the final analysis, I finally broke down and, you guessed it, I clicked the link.

There before my very eyes was 2E, my liberal acquaintance from the East coast. We're acquaintances until she actually leaves Denver, as in boards the plane for takeoff. Then we can go back to being friends again.


Nice piece, 2E. Really. Inspirational and something even a poor wretch like I can take heart from. BTW, my very own late mother, when she was just out of college and before she married my father, interviewed Mrs. Roosevelt for the newspaper she was working for in Georgia at that time. No doubt she too was inspired by the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for sending your link. Really. And while we're at it, let's keep our priorities straight as womenfolk: your hair looks great in your pic! It really does. We can talk more about hair, lip gloss, good posture and cutting down on carbs soon. Remember, all this power stuff at the convention is secondary to a really good hair cut.


  1. you are fast and you are good and you are my friend even while i'm in denver. thanks for the link....

  2. oh okay, guess we can still be friends while you're out there..... btw, if you get time, go over to the Denver Botanic Gardens and Arboretum. Truly fabulous and well worth the trip.....

  3. Good writer and good looking woman. Is she single?

  4. Actually she's married with almost grown children. Sorry, Cletus P.
