Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is Obama Ready?

Another speech, another era. Sounds like a Republican, doesn't it?

UPDATE: Barack Obama's speech tonight is demagoguery at its best. We are no longer electing a president here, but a nanny-in-chief, a senior economic justice engineer and a new age superman of Oprahesque proportions who intends to be all things to all people, except society's most productive (that don't need daddy-knows-best) who will be penalized because Barack Obama says so.

Each and every demagogue like Barack thrives on group hysteria and enchantment. And boy does he have it. A leader that tosses out smooth rhetoric of unlimited, fast track promise to the throbbing, hopeful masses. Masses who feel, emote, believe--in the throes of magical thinking---a politician like Obama can actually effect big change in their lives. (What does taking our country back mean anyway to any of us on a daily basis?) Masses who are ultimately disappointed and disillusioned.

Can Obama deliver more than smooth words to his adoring, hopeful public with his thin record of experience?

One thing that's clear: this emotional, behemoth of a freight train has pulled out of the station and how fast and with what momentum it careens down the tracks, will determine if it is stoppable. There are a mighty lot of people in the world who want the kind of myopic hope Obama is peddling and want to ride and see where it's going.

Via Powerline.

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