Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Trout Fishing in Wild, Cold Wyoming Waters

Fishing wild water that's running high and fast can be physically challenging. The walking is tough, often through willow hells and sage brush and you always have to be on the lookout for grizzly bears. Most of my fishing women friends much prefer hiring a guide with a boat and floating the larger rivers like the Snake. I don't blame them one bit and often join them; however, I'm a country girl and given my druthers, I'd much rather fish the fly on my own two feet in undisclosed locations, preferably with a strong fishing partner nearby.

Fortunately, Monday, I was with one of my favorites, a strong fishermen and off-duty river ranger with GTNP. In the summer, I never wear waders. It's too easy for me at 5'3'' to get water in them and be pulled under. Several of the best fishermen in the valley have drowned in waders. So I wet wade, with lightweight pants and Tevas. It's safer and exhilarating standing in wild water all day. There's nothing like it in the world, for my money.....not even blogging.
Catching a nice Snake River cutthroat on a dry, Marty nets it, and oh so gently releases it to catch again another day. We both caught some beauties. At one point I took a swim. While it wasn't a life threatening situation, Marty literally saved my derriere. He was near enough to reach down and catch me as I started slip sliding away!


  1. What are your favorite flies at this time of year?

  2. That's easy: parachute adams, fat alberts, mayfly duns and black ants. Hopper season will begin a bit later this year and when it happens the big boys start rolling up for their steak dinners.

  3. You must be a paid in full member of the Polar Bear Club! Me, I hunt and fish at the local grocery store, but they do complain about my rifle and spear.

  4. Well, for the record, mred, standing in cold water for long stretches of time seems a great way to keep the pounds off as calories keep being burned to keep your body temp at 98.

  5. Hot damn, that's good looking water. I'm heading in that direction soon and plan to fish it along with several other good spots in the Hole. Thanks for the fly tips.
