Friday, April 4, 2008

The Singing Revolution

When we think about political protest, revolution and overthrowing repressive Communist regimes, do we ever think about.........singing? I know I don't. Until now. Maybe it's time we did. It happened in Estonia. The bravest human hearts will always their find way to freedom. Freedoms we must jealously guard in our country today, which many would have us erode away.

This new documentary film by James Tusty and Maureen Castle Tusty is about Estonia’s struggle to end Soviet occupation and tyranny and is currently opening in New York and Washington, with a special screening at the Heritage Foundation next week. This is truly an example of soft power at its best. Soft force stronger than any bomb or brigade.

The New York Times review is here. This is high on my list of 'to see' films this spring. The kind of inspiration I go to the movies to expereince.

Remember, freedom is never free. And it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Start singing.


  1. hey, I see you got your side bar back!
    I have seen mass protests and it is always amazing to see the power of unity.

  2. Beautiful! It gave me goose-bumps! The idea of a united nation! More goose-bumps!
