Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain's Running Mate In the Fight of His Life Against Obama's Magical Mystery Tour

As John McCain becomes the presumptive candidate of conservatives for POTUS, I, along with the rest of the free world, think and talk endlessly about who his running mate and VP should be in the fall election.

I've seen short list after short list of potential VP choices for McCain, including Condi Rice, and the fine enough governors of Florida, and Ohio, among many others. Nice guys, probably all, and certainly innocuous. But they all leave me cold, colder and coldest. None of them have the star power McCain needs for the teamwork required for the fight of his life. For the fight of our lives.

No one resonates with me---No. Not. One---like the man I now think is the ONLY real choice for McCain to take on as VP to take on against the Obama Magical Mystery Tour that's waiting to take us away. That is, IF we really want to win the White House in 2008. You know who it is, don't you? You, like me, realize there's only one choice now, haven't you?

You and I know there is only ONE MAN to run with Senator John McCain now. And if John is even contemplating anyone else, then he simply hasn't got his head screwed on right yet. Right? Right, I thought you'd agree.

Oprah and Obama are now taking reservations, and waiting to take YOU away. Oh yes they do. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they are.


  1. Ummm, I'm fairly certain that Gov. Ted Strickland will say no to being McBush's running mate - Strickland being a Democrat and all. But it's nice to know that you consider him a "fine Governor".

    Charlie Crist? Really? Even with the rumors surrounding his personal life??

  2. If you're thinking Huckleberry, you'll lose the Hispanic vote. And McCain needs it to win.

  3. No, Bob. You know who it is....

  4. hiya hun,,thanks for the visit to my site..did u see the new video where McCain slips and calls himself a liberal?..LOL
