Friday, February 8, 2008

Finally Investors Business Daily Gets On Board For McCain

Investors Business Daily, IBD, yesterday finally climbed aboard the John 'Wayne' McCain presidential train that was pulling quickly out of the GOP station.

After months of dissing Fred Thompson while promoting Rudy Giuliani, IBD has graciously and gracefully---with only a tad bit of grousing---endorsed, RIGHTLY endorsed in my opinion--the presumed Republican candidate in the fall presidential election.

There are very few issues I take issue with in IBD's editorial pages, but its earlier presidential endorsement for Rudy was certainly one of them. Undoubtedly they liked some of his campaign promises to abolish estate and capital gains taxes.

Still, it was a tad bit too much, too soon for me and I wondered when and if they would come around to McCain.

I hoped they would not stay in the corner pouting and sucking its thumb with Rush and Ann and other disgruntled ultra-conservatives.

But yesterday and today IBD has shown they can love and lose, only to come back and love---well sort of---again. They showed they can move on like the adults they are. Bully for them.

Among the highlights of today's editorial, it gave high marks to McCain for making the following campaign pledges at yesterday's CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) conference in Washington D.C., where McCain "made the most important speech of his life so far." That's because he was facing many combative conservatives who were not happy that McCain is the new leader of the party.

McCain knocked the ball out of the park by flatly stating he will:

*** Cut taxes on individuals and corporations, and end the alternative minimum tax (AMT).

***Use markets, not big government, to solve health care problems.

***Appoint federal judges and Supreme Court justices in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sam Alito.

***Put Iran on notice that its espousal of the destruction of Israel and its hatred of the U.S. will earn out implacable opposition to its bid to gain a nuclear bomb.

***WIN the war against terrorism, arguing convincingly that losing in Iraq would result in far greater losses than any we've seen, and he "will NOT allow it to happen."

IBD continues,

"These are all profoundly conservative stances But the last one is especially, and vitally, important....for all Americans. Indeed, it's the main point of difference between Democrats and Republicans. Those who think a vote one way or the other won't matter aren't thinking seriously."

IBD's endorsement will be a boon to McCain and also to its own credibility as the finest conservative business newspaper in the country.


  1. Proud to see Investors Business Daily just got caught red handed quoting a scientist out of context to deliver a misleading story on climate change. Kudos to a local blogger for the expose. He contacted the quoted scientist directly. Have a look at what he had to say.

    Don't believe anything you read in IBD.

  2. Thanks for posting this list. We shall see.

  3. Feel free to wallow in the myth of man made climate change as you wish. I will instead believe that the earth has warmed and cooled since the beginning of time and will continue to, Ellen.

    Whatever strict government regulations we strap on to our economy bringing the smallest of gains, please remember a mega forest fire or two or a huge volcanic eruption will cancel out these infintessimal gains exponentially.

    Or, maybe you will demand Obama or Hillary to outlaw such acts of God?

  4. Web, can you 'splain this to me? Here's what you said about living in a polluted environment:

    "I've already paid my dues in that department....China mid-eighties. Air pollution so bad everyone got seriously sick with bronchitis. I coughed so hard I got an inguinal hernia and had to have major surgery to repair it." is it that the air pollution in Bejing was so bad that living there made you sick enough to have *MAJOR* surgery, but there's absolutely no way on God's green earth that the same pollution released into the air every second of every hour of every day does not, in any way, shape, form or matter influence the climate?

    On a slightly related topic, how disappointed were you that the EPA and Bush Administration were denied in their attempt to let utilities release more mercury into the air?,1,6410207.story

    That must have been such a bummer... I love the smell of Mercury in the morning...

  5. It's about microcosmic but not macrocosmic effects.

    We are not, nor ever will be, in control of what is happening on a larger scale to our weather patterns on this planet. That we may in a warming trend is possible. But to think we have any large scale effect on the larger weather/warming patterns is the height of arrogance and human folly.

    But let me also say the cities I know since my youth are about 1000% cleaner in air and water than they were when I was a child.

    Perhaps we can get Mr. Man from Glad to go to Cairo, Istanbul and Beijing and do his famous smiley face and get them all to clean up their dreadful emissions act. I'm sure they'll roll over for such a charmer.

  6. When you speak of "strict government regulations we strap on to our economy " in the same breath as global climate change, it shows that your opinions are not formed by science, but by politics.

    You can believe what you want, and it's ok, you'll not be around to see the catastophic results. However, coming from someone who believes in the supernatural on faith, I have no doubt you'll believe just about anything Sean Hannity tells you about global warming.

  7. What is this "Mr. Man from Glad"? What is that a reference to? I don't get it.

    Does it have something to do with the Klan outfit he "wore"?

  8. But to think we have any large scale effect on the larger weather/warming patterns is the height of arrogance and human folly.

    I guess it is just mere coincidence that the advent of the largest CO2 rise in human history exactly mirrors the rate of fossil fuel burning. I think it's pretty arrogant to not see a correlation.

    As far as man not being able to influence global processes, I guess you're also in denial of the affect that CFCs have on the ozone layer? And, how humans are responsible for contamination in eco system, (ie, mercury levels, etc...)?

    Arrogance? Like man believes he bears the image of God? I know of no belief that is more arrogant.

  9. very well, then, guilty as charged....
