Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Interstate Truckers Answer the Question: Who Do You Want Our Next President To Be?

Wednesday in central Pennsylvania, I asked the same question to the trucker below as I did others on Tuesday, and got a very different answer:

Man trucking hay to Lancaster, Pennsylvania: "I don't vote, because I and my people---both as individuals and community---do not participate in politics. I am Mennonite. We believe we are to be separate and not 'of the world' so that we can better serve and obey God in our daily lives.'"

"We do pray for the government and our leaders every day. We feel this is the best way for us to participate and assist our country now and in the future. So to answer your question, I don't have a candidate, but if I did, it would be a very conservative one."

When he finished, I asked about his load of hay and wondered why he was driving a truck, rather than pulling hay in a buggy.

"We are Mennonites and are not the same as the Amish, though we are similar. We do have homes and computers and trucks for business, but we guard ourselves from the larger world and its many bad influences very carefully. I'm driving this load of hay back to Lancaster because of the drought and the shortage of hay for our animals around our farms. We're getting most of this feed in New York. My trip today will be about two hundred miles."

From there we talked about other things, including Christian doctrine and his Mennonite lifestyle. I left thinking I had met a remarkable and solid man who, no matter who wins next fall, will continue to live his life in his community, working hard and praying harder for Divine guidance for our land. We certainly can use it. I appreciated his gracious willingness to talk to me and be photographed for this blog. I certainly didn't expect him to say yes to my request for a photo, but he did without hesitation.


Tuesday, I asked several truckers the above question during stops on the Interstate, and appreciate their willingness to talk politics with me. These are the big dogs of America's highways, and over the years, rarely have I known a nicer group of professionals anywhere.

Trucker from Millen, GA (above): "Hillary gets my vote because I like the Clintons and I like what Bill did when he was President. My main concern is education for my two children and the cost of gasoline."

Trucker from Knoxville, TN: "I'm for Thompson or Giuliani, someone who'll stand up for the Constitution. The issues facing us are self-preservation and independence."

Two men and a new Harley: "We're good friends but my buddy here is voting for Hillary (on left) and I'm cancelling out his vote. I'm for Thompson or McCain. But I wonder if Thompson really wants it. You know, he's an actor. But I could never vote for Hillary."

Pennsylvania trucker: "I'm for Fred Thompson, he's got character. I don't trust Hillary. She must have known about all of Bill's girl friends. Obama and Giuliani don't have enough foreign policy experience. The price of oil is a big issue for the trucking industry and for me. Bush hasn't done a thing for us.

Mississippi trucker: "Definitely going to vote for Hillary Clinton because she cares about education and health care."

Trucker from Wichita, KS:" I could vote for Hillary. Don't know enough about Thompson yet, but I don't like Giuliani and don't know why.....just don't like him."


Thanks again, fellows. See you around the galaxy! Oh, and you guys who are for Hillary.....I promise, I won't let the air out of your tires!----Webutante


  1. Dang, 'web', not a very encouraging straw poll, split right down the middle, just like the last election. The next year will be very interesting, to say the least.

  2. Yikes! Not Hillary, I am surprised so many are for her.

  3. No, Luther and Rita, it's not encouraging. I myself expected not one man would go for HC and, needless to say, am very surprised by some of what I heard....

  4. At least (thank goodness)no mention of support for Obama......Who is Obama??? What does he think qualifies him??? What is our country becoming when someone with no qualifications can run for President.

  5. Good question, Bud! Beats me!

  6. Not very encouraging, but thanks for doing the interviews and photos. Good Lord, don't they listen to Laura, Sean, Rush, Dennis, Michael, Hugh, or Glenn while they are cruising on the highways?

  7. Your commenters must keep their heads in the sand. Don't they follow the polls. It'll take more than Rudy and sleepy Fred to beat this tough broad.
