Monday, October 8, 2007

The Week Ahead: Keeping the Peace, Will Al Get the Nobel?

Just in case we've forgotten, this is the week the Nobel Peace Prize is announced in Oslo, Norway. It has been widely rumored that Al Gore will win this year's prize, along with Canadian Sheila Watt-Cloutier who has dedicated herself to calling attention to climate change's effects on Arctic communities in recent years.

Another prize for Al? His office round the corner must be getting so filled with trophies, prizes and memorabilia that it's getting harder and harder to find an ordinary pencil or paper clip on his desk anymore.

But the real news is that winning the Nobel ( for what? is anybody's guess) will surely ignite his loyal follows to draft Gore to run again for President. I doubt that the Clintons will like that very much. I don't think the Gores care a wit for the Clintons anymore, and vice versa.

And frankly, I don't see how Gore would ever put himself through an electoral process again. My money is still on Hillary winning the nomination and the general too. Gore will remain Man of the
World Energy Czar for the next few years, until the bud is off the bloom for man made global warming.

1 comment:

  1. Newsmax links to a story today about the animosity betwen Gore and the Clintons.
