Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Putin and 'I'm-A-Dinner-Jacket' in Iran

UPDATE: Bush warns on Wednesday of World War III if Iran goes nuclear. He doesn't mince words.

And neither does Mr. "I'm-A-Dinner-Jacket."

To wit, let us remember on September 17, Mr. Ahmadinejad prophesied once again: "The world is now at an historic turning point." The history of the West, he said, has reached its end, and the appearance of the Hidden Imam, heralding the era of Islamic Shi'ite rule, was nigh. He therefore called on the nations of the world to rise up against the hegemony of the West, headed by the U.S., and predicted the imminent collapse of Israel, which he called "Satan's standard-bearer."

Mr. A's words send a chill through my bones, because I know he really believes these thoughts and wants to facilitate the great end times conflagration his Muslim Shi'ite belief system portends.

He's sounding more and more like Mr. "I'm-A-Straight-Jacket" who's ready to go nuts as soon as he can get his hands on some nuclear play dough. Very scary stuff for the free world and for Israel.

Things are definitely chumming up in the Middle East. Add to this winsome twosome the ever-charming Hugo Chavez---rumored to be flirting with a conversion to Islam---and the the course of our Presidential election next year may forever change

Ask yourself: Who would these world-class oppressive thug/dictators most want us to elect as President next year? Least want us to elect? And why?

They couldn't possibly want who I will want next year. Not possible.


  1. You are going right to the heart of the most important issues of the day.

  2. I agree with bob, 'web'.

    Important and essential issues... honestly, I just wish to 'get it on'... the longer we wait, the more horrible it will be.

  3. Honestly, fellows, this concerns me more than any other issue facing this country and world today. The way this is lining up is extremely sobering....
