Thursday, September 20, 2007

Two New Words in the Lexicon of War

I've been sitting on these two words ever since I thought of them this summer. They certainly won't please some of my readers and I ask their forbearance.

However, while these words may be considered clever, risque or funny, I'm not posting them to be cute or provocative in the most obvious sense. They really embody for me a deeper, more deadly serious reality in Iraq: much of our country and its Congressional leaders have withdrawn support, after they gave it, for the War at a time when I believe we need to stay the course, and finish what we have started there. Our country's future, in the War on Terror, and in Iraq, depend so much on this:

Having said that, here are my two new words to add to the lexicon of war:

iraqtion, noun----rigid, distended state of some members of society and Congress caused by a strong vexual desire to engage in military intercourse in Iraq followed by an even stronger desire for immediate, quick withdrawal.

Examples of those with such iraqtions are: Hillary Clinton, Cindy Sheehan, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry...and other's in the GeneralBetrayUs crowd.

iraqtile dysfunction, noun---A chronic state of not wanting to or being willing to finish what we started in Iraq. This disease was first diagnosed in the sixties during the War in Viet Nam and first manifested in the editorial pages of the New York Times.


Now that I've put them out on the Web, I'm going to use them as needed in the coming months where appropriate.


  1. Thanks for having the courage to comment on this one, Bob!

  2. Hurrah for those of us with both iraqtion and iraqtile dysfunction without having to take any pills and damn proud of it!

  3. Love It!!! How well put with truthful meaning!!! These 2 should DEFINITELY go into Funk & Wagnalls!!!

  4. Webutante-

    I have to say that these words could be useful. But shouldn't Hillary, et all, have the iraqtile dysfunction, while those who are willing to stay and follow the course have strong, lasting iraqtions? (to keep with the basic analogy)

    All my hopes.
    Ryan, from MI
