Saturday, September 29, 2007

Take This Cool Quiz and Know Your Presidential Candidate

One of my politinostication buddies e-mailed me this link and told me I had to check it out....well I did and sure nuff, it was very interesting.....

So go take the political quiz---at WQAD, Molene, Illinois---on where you stand on the big issues, and then see how all the candidates rank in relation to you.

Very, very fun.

So who are your top candidates after taking the quiz??

Mine: Later, baby...if I told you this very minute, I'd have to kill ya....

H/T Susan B.


  1. Ok Wev, iquiring minds want to know! Who did you match best with?

    I came out with Duncan Hunter, then Fred Thompson! LOL This was fun! If you've visited my blog much, you know that I'm a sucker for these quizzes. This was actually a useful one though!

  2. "Mine: First, Fred Thompson.....Last, John Edwards"

    (chuckle) Ditto fo r me. Who woulda thunk it?

  3. Yes, I deleted it on the post, but it was Fred Thompson first, then John Edwards last....

    I am a bit worried about Thompson and his fund raising and wonder if he can make a good showing on it by January, 2008.

  4. Would you believe a four-way tie? Thompson, McCain, Hunter, and Tancredo! Last was Kucinich and Hillary!
