Saturday, September 22, 2007

Remind Me Again

I keep forgetting. Can't remember for the life of me why Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is being allowed back into the United States. I know there's got to be a good reason, but, silly me, I keep forgetting just what it is.

I mean, he's so fond of us here.

And yes, I know he's coming to the UN, but that, as my mother used to say, isn't a good enough reason for me. And I know he has diplomatic immunity and can go wherever he wants. But what about us? Don't we have immunity from dictator/murderers who want to do us in? Who want to wipe our allies off the map?

Don't think he won't play the MSM like a violin in the next few days. Get my smelling salts out! I feel disgustingly faint.


  1. It would be like allowing Hitler to come to NYC!!

  2. Jungle mom is right. Rudy G. would not allow him in. Remember when he kicked Arafat out of Lincoln Center?
