Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Putin Positioning Himself to Be Russian Czar

Is there really any doubt of this now?

So, we have Putin, Chavez, Ahmadinejad in an unholy alliance for the next round of world struggle. The axis of weevils. I like it!

Is it any wonder Russia has such low birth rates? And if Putin becomes the czar and takes away the peoples' economic and political freedoms, who on earth would want to have more babies for the state? What a complete farce.


  1. I like to call these dictator jerks the "axis of weevils.

    In you find this trivia:

    "In the episode Evil Weevil of Courage the Cowardly Dog a weevil works as the butler for the Bagges, but actually wanted to suck Muriel and Eustace's blood."

    "In the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World captain Jack Aubrey (played by Russel Crowe) makes a joke about "choosing the lesser of two weevils"."

    "In the book Crossroads of Twilight, book ten in The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, concerns about weevils destroying stores of grain are frequent.
    In the Hornblower Series by C. S. Forester, weevils are a common pest eating up the ship's biscuit supplies."

  2. Weevils it is then! I see you've done your research!

    I don't trust any of the ones you mentioned.
