Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday: A New Resource, The Jerome Bible Commentary

As I have said earlier, I am currently going through the Bible and studying it from cover to cover in one year, at at the top of my links on the right. It is simply the finest in-depth Bible study this wretched, peripatetic sinner has yet found anywhere, and Mike, the blog master is an outstanding leader and role model. I am deeply blessed to have this daily regimen in my life.

We are currently studying the Book of Isaiah as our Old Testament selection. And this morning I happened upon a new resource that I want to share. It's called the Jerome Bible Commentary, and evidently it was started by a man, Dr. Jerome Dominguez, whose son Jerome died in the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001.

I find this touching and fascinating and want to explore this resource as a companion to my other Bible studies.

Today's link from OneYearBible blog takes us to the many Messianic prophecies in Isaiah, and especially in Isaiah 42, foretelling the coming of Christ. As I really read and study the Bible, it is stunning and humbling how it all points to the Savior of Jesus Christ, and our need for Him, hundreds and hundreds of years before the fact. Hope you find this edifying in your exploration of the Bible in the days ahead.


Today's sermon is by Max Lucado on how the numbers 3/16 can and will triumph over 9/11.

Listen to his message of hope here. God bless.


  1. I am enjoying the study as well. I am still a bit behind. While on vacation we had no internet and I did read the Bible on my own, but still wanted to go back and see what I had missed.

  2. Know what you mean, Rita. I hate to miss anything, especially Bob Deffington's outstanding commentaries. But if we miss something, God willing, we can catch up or keep at it again in subsequent years.
