Sunday, February 2, 2020

Superbowl Ads, Winners and Losers

WHADDA THINK?  I'll comment on anything that interests me.  Here's a good link@ NYPOST.  Getting to computer a bit late....

NO to  Avocados from Mexico....and meh! J Lo's action hotel ad....Tide and Chrissy and John Legend.  Nothing is moving me much;; at this point, but I'm open.  Score 10-10, late second quarter

Yes to Turbo tax..

Half time with that Latino woman, JLo and Latino girls symbolized by the sign of Venus bumping and grinding as if all  their lives depended on it was loud, way overly-sexualized and completely inappropriate.  It was a soft porn spectacle with fireworks.
In the end,  it was embarrassing for the Super Bowl and everyone who watched.  Not a family affair. Shameful.

JLo is the biggest, tawdriest exhibitionist in
American.  Enough already.....

Walmart ad was inspirational and well worth watching.  KIA also pretty inspirational.  Bud Lite Seltzer is a bust in my opinion but  maybe carbonated water is a new big seller for Bud.

Nevertheless,  one ad stood out and was inspirational too.  And the winners are:  The Kansas City Chiefs and Patrick Mahones!  Congratulations! And this, Typical Americans:

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